Label software

18 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
I need a lot of labels for a project. They only need to be normal paper labels but I need them to be 19mm diameter circles. This size label is quite common, however, can anybody help me with label printing software. There are downloadable label templates available from the various label manufacturers to match their labels. However, with these, you have to paste each image into dozens of label positions on the template which takes time, especially when the position of the image is fairly critical, in my case as there is not much space around the image. Is there any label software that allows you to select an image and it will position it accurately into every label position for you? Any help appreciated.
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Check out the word processor software you have. It may simply need the right template to do exactly what you want.

I have used templates in word that allow you to paste into just one or all of the labels on a sheet.

I have just had a play with a 19mm word template from the site below that allows me to do what I think you are trying to do. I tried an image that was positioned using the words alignment options then copied it into all the others in one go.[/url]
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