Lady GaGa on Radio 1 Big Weekend Live (BBC3)



Anyone else watch this program tonight?
Must say, I'm well impressed with her live. Totally different to her videos etc.
;) ;)
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she was on G norton... very much in control of her destiny, and a good entertainer
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She's Gaga, I mean mentally delusional. and a rubbish singer...keep her away from the public, another Amy Winehouse.
Her singing voice tonight was absolutely brilliant. She sung songs that wouldn't be brought out as a single (none of the razzamatazz) Sheer brilliance.

PS, When I first saw her on TV months ago, I thought she was really weird. The singles although tuneful, were strange, but tonight was just something else. I was really impressed.
TV coverage of the event has been absolutely shocking. I get the feeling that live coverage is limited because of the risk of swearing - really? Whoever decides that the general public is going to be upset at a few F words here and there needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Most of us started effing and jeffin since we went to school - it doesnt turn us into axe murderers!
htgeng, I take it you didn't watch the concert in Carlisle , live on BBC3? Didn't see anything cut from it at all. In fact it over-ran by a good 20 odd minutes and they delayed the start of following programs.
Excellent coverage too. ;) ;)
Isn't she a shehee?
On the Jonathan Woss show...

Lady Ga Ga said....
...well I do have a really big donkey di@ck...

Her live singing is crap.
Takes machinery to make her sound appeal to the music market of today.
I was quite impressed too. Very original talent who writes her own stuff and has a good voice.

Not many about with any talent these days! :rolleyes:
Comes across generally as mad as a hatter buit that is all part of the act I guess.
Not a huge fan normally although she is massively successful - however the live performance starting with the jazz number was awesome.

Like her or not that is just taste, bottom line she is incredibely talented (fit aswell ;) )
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