Legality of war

He may have broken many laws, the major thing is that he cares, but still did it.. perhaps breaking every taboo in his own book .. Not the action of a great leader .. Just a bloke with a big majority because there was not much else to vote for .....
:D :D
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securespark said:
Which part of "Thou shalt not kill....." does he not understand?

The attourney general told him it's not legally binding.
securespark said:
You're missing the point, folks.

Never mind whether it was legal or not: just because you haven't broken the law doesn't mean it is right.

The man is supposed to be devoutly religious.

Which part of "Thou shalt not kill....." does he not understand?
you forget the crusades.
Religion goes hand in hand with war and conflict, what is the difference is how one applies his "way of life".
So many people have died in the name of religion, whether because they have misunderstood or twisted their teachings.
I can understand the need for rules to live your life by, but that should not be enforced on an individual, after all that is what we all are, individuals.
I'm against violence of all types and am against war,as i have said before, make no mistake war is a nasty business. but there are times when desicions have been made and as we live in a society we have to go with the flow.
There is nothing wrong with healthy debate afterwards as this shows up where mistakes were made and hopefully lessons are learnt.
One thing is none of us are mindreaders or have crystal balls to look into the future, so it is understandable that things won't go the way they were planned, therefore those that made the desicions should not be hounded afterwards they made those desicions to the best of their abilities and i know that won't be much comfort to the families who have lost loved ones but what do they expect if they have relatives in the armed forces? that they go to work to play cards or something? eventually they are going to be called up to do the job they volunteered to do.It would be as ridiculous as a wife of a racing driver killed in a race blaming the government because the cars were allowed to go so fast!
it's a case of "if you don't like the heat in the kitchen".
i personally believe that the whole iraq war thing has been blown up in order to use it as a propaganda tool for the elections but that the majority of sensible voters will see right through this and not let it influence their desicion based on more applicable issues.
Hans Blix and therefore the UN was doing the job properly .... There was no need to go blundering in ... The facts speak for themselves.
Link Blix

Blair and Bush trying to run the show in Presidential fashion ... They believed the Iraq mob were pulling the wool over Blix's eyes .. They were wrong !! Once again over-riding the appointed experts..
Both wrong and not BIG enough to admit it.
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Ken, agreed.

There are countless wars that can be put down to religion, and each side fights in the name of their God.

I went to a Quaker school, and I am anti-war & anti-violence, but I don't follow any religion.
No one who unconditionally believed in 'thou shalt not kill' could ever be a cabinet minister. Nor for that matter, a soldier. But most armies are pretty keen on getting god on their side.

FWL, I agree. For me the point is exactly the reasons Tony claimed for going to war. I also agree that if he had simply said,

' for once we are going to do something for world peace. I know there are lots of other reasons why some people want to start this war, but I am going to join in because getting rid of sadam will do some good'

then I think we might have supported him rather more. A lot more.

But what we got was crap and lies pretending things which were totally untrue. Government advisers trashed and driven to suicide. BBC governers sacked because they tried to show the truth.

Sometimes why and how you do something is very much more important than what you do.
securespark said:
...I went to a Quaker school .....

Had you laid off the oats ........ ;) !! How's the weight loss going SS ?

Doing porridge came involuntarily to mind .. but was cast out !!
No, I do not think it was blown up as election hype. Not this election anyway. Three elections ago the tories lost mostly because the country was sick of tory lies and sleaze. New labour came into power on a wave of open government and honesty. Hence it mattered very much that Tony was caught lying to the people on a big issue with the specific intent of making them do something they would not otherwise do.
O find it hard to believe that Blair and Bush believed sadam was fooling Blix. Rather, they wanted to believe it as it gave them a convenient excuse...
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