Legionnaire's in solar panels - a myth to deter the DIYer!

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Come on Delta Tea, I'm just a feckin' idiot who has installed three bathrooms/WCs in my own house in the last five years, which are all working perfectly with no need to call out a plumber to put them right. I'm seriously concerned now that being such a tosser I might have done something really dangerous and could I be prosecuted for this?

Please re-read my first post and tell me what bits I have got wrong.
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Legionella will not be a problem in any solar panel in a sealed system.

There is a theoretical risk of legionella in domestic hot water connected to a solar thermal system if that system has not been at 60c for at least 1 hour during the course of a week. I doubt it would be a problem in a copper cylinder system as copper is a natural biocide, a little more likely in a stainless steel cylinder but I'd bet the chance of that is still very low. There are a number of solar controllers available that will monitor the system during the course of the week and bring on a secondary heat source to sterilise the cylinder if needed.

Commercial systems such as football/rugby clubs etc would be at greater risk and any system should be designed/installed accordingly.

Barry Johnson makes much of the risks though.

Thank you both for your considered and sensible replies.

As ajstoneservices writes, I do agree that there could be a theoretical danger of Legionella bacterium reproducing in a copper cylinder if the water wasn't changed for say a fortnight while the householder was on a winter holiday and the temperature hovered within the appropriate range but then I'd have though this was also a possibility where any householder goes away and switches off the boiler, leaving a large mass of water in an insulated cylinder slowly cooling down through the range of temperatures where bacterial reproduction was possible. What I don't know much about is the level of cleanliness of ordinary tap water, which has been filtered and chlorinated to a certain standard - how many and what kind of bacteria are likely to survive this process? The danger with large open AC systems is that the bacterium enters the system from the outside environment and grows in the favourable conditions it finds there.

Anyway I have saved the pdf kindly linked by Brig001 and will study that with great interest. As it happens I'm going to visit a panel and bits supplier this afternoon.
Who the hell started this bullshit?
I have more than halved my power bill with nine panels on my roof.
Down from $400 per quarter to $180.

Who is going to sit on the roof and breath in water anyhow?

Paronoid pommy problems :p :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Who the hell started this bulls**t?
I have more than halved my power bill with nine panels on my roof.
Down from $400 per quarter to $180.

Who is going to sit on the roof and breath in water anyhow?

Paronoid pommy problems :p :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Some aussie twits started it in a doss house in Chiswick ;)
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