Life is good again

22 Feb 2008
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United Kingdom
Waterloo Road is back on the box! For twenty weeks, woohoo...

Credit crunch, mass unemployment, collapsing house prices. All forgotten now :cool:
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Yeah and instead of shouting me at 8pm last night and saying' Waterloo Road is on' my missus decided to say to me at 10:05, 'you've just missed a double-bill of Waterloo Road'. Cheers Love!!
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I thought that the young actor who played the young bully or thug with a gun thug was absolutely brilliant. In more than 40 years at the chalk face I only met two as bad as his character was and am proud that I was responsible for their permanent removal from school. Having said that, I wouldn't have confronted them they way I did had they been armed and if I did today what I did then, I would have been sacked and probably charged.

One of them, after telling the headmaster what he claimed I had done to him, he asked if he, the headmaster, was going to sack me. The headmaster replied "No. I am going to congratulate him", shook my hand and said "Congratulations Mr B".
And Miss Kareshi looked as lovely as ever, too...!

Davina or Miss K...hmmmm.....
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