Locking the Truth

We talking about Softus, yeah... I'll keep my opinion to myself.

Might get banned :)
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Why would 'Locking' a post be 'Locking the Truth' as you put it?
crocket, you still haven't answered my question.

I know your looking for an answer by crokett, but maybe it's Locking The Truth because maybe the truth behind posts being locked is because of a certain someone as he states.

or something along those lines :D
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Its not that bad!

Jeez boys give me a chance...... some of us work saturdays you know.... ;)

I was looking through the various locked posts, wondered who was involved in them, and a name cropped up numerous times. I have been posting on this site for a little while, so get a 'feel' for how certain people reply, argue, have a difference of opinion, etc.

I just think that some argue for the sheer sake of it, overquote in their posts, and stir it up. Also, when it seems the majority are in agreement, some won't be swayed, and resort to slightly personal insults to get their point across.

While I'm all for subjectivity, when someone disagrees I just think it should be left at that, not to keep on and on until you are browbeaten. :(
crockett has a point - there is a pattern.

If you want the truth, then I'll happily tell you what it is, but I'm aware that speculation is often much more fun.
I bet they wish they'd gone to Specsavers.

I just wantd to get that hideous joke in before you did.
Bet he aint..

There could be money in this..anyone running a book? :evil:
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