Multinational forced to pay some tax

what taxes did AirBnB owe?

I must admit. I can't see how Italian tourist and short term let tax will pay for UK public services. You did say NHS, not SSN
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Where do you think the money for the fire service and the NHS comes from?

You are accusing Mottie of being stupid. As a reminder, I said I'd jump in next time you were being stupid or misquoting something. If you are not aware there is no NHS in Italy, its called Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) its similar but not the same.

Accordingly it would be stupid to think short term let taxes due to be paid by Italian AirBnB hosts would some how fund the NHS. Now had you said Italian NHS or more correctly Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), you wouldn't be the one posting something that is stupid causing others to..
object to your stupidity.
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Perhaps superinvestor JohnD could put up a list of the companies or funds in his investment portfolio so that we could check out their propriety?
The funny thing is, this story has nothing to do with a tax avoidance scheme that airbnb may have been running.
wow.. hang on.. that will be a selective misquote there @JohnD... something else I said I'd pick you up on...

you actually said..

No, but I do approve of people paying tax.

Where do you think the money for the fire service and the NHS comes from?
Hence we are all a bit confused as to why you'd think Italian tourist and short term letting taxes will contribute to the NHS. Or perhaps you think AirBnB disapprove of people paying tax?
I'm not, I took it to mean that taxes fund public services. Which they do.

You are, of course, correct.

That will be because you are neither stupid, nor deliberately trying to misrepresent my words, like mottie and motorbiking.
You are, of course, correct.

That will be because you are neither stupid, nor deliberately trying to misrepresent my words, like mottie and motorbiking.
ahh so when you said
No, but I do approve of people paying tax.

You were in no way suggesting that airBnB hadn't paid taxes due or somehow disapproved of people paying taxes, and when you said
Where do you think the money for the fire service and the NHS comes from?

You didn't mean NHS.

You seem rather confused.
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