"My dog wouldn't hurt a fly....."

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
....or another one "my dog is as soft as a brush...."

Yeah right.

Another child is mauled by an out of control "pet".

Pet my erse.

The moronic chavs who own these vicious dogs need putting down as well as the savage bastards they call pets.

Certain dogs have their uses as working animals. These should not be considered as pets and need to be kept in a controlled environment. There are some really dumb dog owners in this world.
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trouble is its not the dogs fault,its the d,ickhead owners,its known that a lot of bull breed dogs owned by these to55ers and fed drugs to make then skitso
i understand the owner has handed himself in.

i own a gsd,the only time i let her off her lead is when im walking on the downs once a month with another 10-20 gsd from a rescue forum i belong to,we have rules we follow as soon as we see any other people/dogs they instantly go back on leads,if only the other people we meet done the same,ive lost count of the times other people walk past us with there dogs off lead without a by or leave,when we are all standing there taking control of our dogs.
some people just dont have a clue.
i also walk my dog on a field near i live,i walk her on a long rope so i have control over her at all times,ive even had people(other dog owners)say im cruel for not letting her off.
bit different when a so called normal dog runs up to a child.but when a gsd does all hell breaks loose and ive got a dangerous dog.
if owners took more care and thought of others then we wouldnt hear of these awful attacks.
Some people decide to have children, even though they have neither the wit, emotional intelligence, stability, financial capability, self-discipline etc etc etc to do so properly.

Pets require their owners to have similar essential characteristics as these.
What i don't get is, there are lots of breeds of dog available so why do these idiots choose a bull mastiff or a pit bull?

Is so they can stick their chest out and look 'ard.

Bunch of inconsiderate losers.

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What i don't get is, there are lots of breeds of dog available so why do these idiots choose a bull mastiff or a pit bull?[/img]

Where have you read that is the type of dog involved?
i read it on a gsd forum that it was a bull breed.but until confirmed just heresay at the mo.
When are pet owners, in general, going to take responsibility for their selfish contribution to society. :evil:
Reminds me someone I know was working in a house recently and the little lap dog was yapping away. Woman said " dont worry he does not bite"

5 mins later his ankles were attacked.

Woman said " strange he normally does not do that, but he bit someone last week too".

When are pet owners, in general, going to take responsibility for their selfish contribution to society. :evil:

Very few ever will as they don't understand Dog Psychology and never will.

Agreed Seco. But dog and cat owners will always defend their corner regardless of the harm and destruction they have historically put upon others.
Aggggggggggg cats.
Just getting garden ready for planting, sieved soil ect, cats already all over it.
Methinks shotgun time.
Agreed Seco. But dog and cat owners will always defend their corner regardless of the harm and destruction they have historically put upon others.

I agree that counts for any situation animal or family member no one likes to admit their animal/child has done wrong.
My son as a staffy its the softest dog i've ever me met.

also my daughter as a english bull terrier and two children and the dogs a saint,
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