New Covid Variant - B.1.1.529

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Some UK stats, as this is more relevant to us than US stats.

According to (Updated 29 October 2021)

Blot clots caused by the vaccine have killed about 1 in 345,000 people.

In the UK, 145,000 people have died of Covid, which is 1 in 463 people.

So, covid is about 745 times deadlier than the vaccine.

If you are bored of life and really scared of needles, then don't get the vaccine. For everybody else, get jabbed, several times, and live a longer and healthier life.

It's worse than that for antivaxxers.. More people have had a vaccine than have had covid.
It depends where you look:
BBC: "There have been more than 10 million confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK and nearly 145,000 people have died, government figures show."
Whereas the Daily Mail says:
  • EXCLUSIVE: Professor Paul Hunter estimates around 30% of people in England are likely to have had the virus
  • Just 8million people have officially tested positive for the virus in England since the Covid pandemic began
  • Millions of people who were infected during Britain's first wave last spring are not included in official count
But the purpose of masks, in either sense, adds up to the same thing; to reduce the spread of covid overall. But case rates in England over the last weeks has been more than 20% better than Scotland and NI. With all the mask free gathering in nightclubs, pubs, restaurants, sports events, etc. that has gone on in England wouldn't you think, if masks were such an important factor, that those stats would be at least closer, if not reversed?

Yes but it’s very hard to make comparisons for the same time line.

infections rates don’t go up and down across the country equally at the same time, they ebb and flow.

Sussex currently has one of the highest infection rates in the country, but Suffolk and Scotland are pretty similar.

Sussex 600
Suffolk 350
Scotland 310

That’s the problem making comparisons of non pharmaceutical interventions such as mask wearing.
According to Dr John Campbell it's looking good for omicron to spread and help get rid of this damn thing.

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So, this latest scariant, which is going to kill us all, has not been prevented by the, so far, 2 vaccines and a booster.

No doubt another booster will come out ($$ kerching $$) to combat it.

But it won't work. How do I know this? History repeats itself, that's how. More scariants will appear requiring more boosters requiring more money to be transferred from governments to the drug companies.

A product makes billions then fails, requiring a replacement which makes more billions and then also fails and so on ad infinitum. What a business model!
Great new video from George Best, sorry - I mean Neil Oliver -

It's good to know there are sensible people out there still, even if they mistake "bare" for "bear".
Some excellent comments beneath the video.

However, to some on the forum, because it is on Youtube automatically means it is wrong - which just goes to show how good they are at logic and common sense.
Neil Oliver gives a good impression of being ignorant, prejudiced and not very bright about this covid thing. More than a little of an overactive suspicion-rant gland and an underactive research gland. Much of what he usually says (not worth listening to more) is utterly pointless.

John Campbell has warmed to his theme of being The People's best mate. Unfortunately some of what he has said has been transparently bad, but he does dig out numbers where he can. Yes he's a doctor but he bangs on about his unfounded suspicions with undue weight. Nothing new from this latest video - drs in the field are ahead of him, all the time.
On his much-gobbed wail about not aspirating (pulling back the syringe to check for having hit a blood vessel) there's a considered thread here on reddit.
There may be an effect, but clotting-problem incidence is strongly age (etc) related, which suggests vein-hitting isn't a biggie.
There are significant snags with aspirating, too. Korean press mentions a test showing a PTT link in animals, but no reference to it is given.
(The suggestion being that the vaccine is supposed to stay in a muscle and distribute through the lymph system, rather than in blood, where it can supposedly hit/overwhelm/trigger antagonistic sites like those platelet-producing megakarocytes in lungs and brains. Is it supposed? Or is that conspiracy-theorist conjecture?).

So omicron doesn't look too bad. It was judged within about a week of its first reporting that it must have existed some time before it was first reported (Botswana iirc) and there have been NO calls that it's nasty, except that it's more contagious. If it had been nasty, surely one of these pockets would have seen a lot of illness or hospital cases. The opposite is what's reported. The vaccine where used, is apparently providing protection (eg see JC above) but that's probably premature-ish.

Are we overreacting? Possibly, but delta's still around being a nuisance and we've been caught being too optimistic before.

By the way there was just an interesting play of Dimbleby lecture by Sarah Gilbert on TV. Worth a watch. Variant Y is the one to worry about.
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On the theory that Omicron isn't dangerous, how would we know yet? The UK numbers are irrelevant as it takes three weeks on average from positive test to death. It's only been a bit over a week since positive tests so far. We shouldn't see any deaths yet.

Even South Africa itself should only just be seeing an uptick in the next week or so if it's as dangerous as Delta.
I think the big problem of Omicron is that it shows how dramatically this virus can mutate to become even more contagious.
There are some reports from Africa that there are more children being hospitalised.

Of course, vaccinated people may still be safe, but those without a vaccine might be more likely to get infected and hospitalised as a result. Much of the world is still mostly unvaccinated, eg only 1.8% of Nigerians are fully vaccinated (population of 200 million) and only 34.9% of India (population 1380 million) - that's a lot of people still at high risk.
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However, to some on the forum, because it is on Youtube automatically means it is wrong - which just goes to show how good they are at logic and common sense.

I made the effort of watching that Bellfield video, it was frankly a joke….an out of context clip a second long.

Seriously are you losing the plot.

if you want to quote stuff, there’s plenty of highly respected scientific journals.
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