New patio, amount of MOT required

13 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom

I've just lifted my old concrete paving slabs and am going to lay a new patio. The old patio seems to have been laid on compacted earth and a little sand.

The area is approx 3mx4m.

Is the best approach to dig out 100mm and lay 50-75mm of hardcore (MOT) and them top with 25mm of builders sand before laying the new paving slabs.

If this is the best method can someone tell me what quantities of MOT and sand I need to order.

Thanks for any advice
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buy 2 tonnes of mot and forget blinding it with sand, just lay directly onto the mechanically compacted layer of mot.
When you say lay directly onto the MOT, I presume you mean with some form of mortar dabs??
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full bed of mortar. i use 4:2:1 sharp sand/building sand/cement

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