NHS Contact Tracing App

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Listening to parliament questions with Hancock now. Shocking really.

New infection rates in the UK currently 6 times higher than they were at the start of lockdown. But we want to end lockdown.
The app is still being testing.
Covid tests still not ready for most care homes.
In one care home, half residents have died already, the other half are showing symptoms - but, still no test for them until mid-June.
R value has risen in some parts of the country
Still over 300 daily deaths, more than Italy now...

but we still want to end lockdown.

So glad I can work from home. Boss already told me I will probably be working from home for some time, to give customer services and other people that need to be on work phones extra space in the office. But fear for many others.

If year 1 and 6 schools go back on 1st June, things are going to get worse quickly. Maybe then, they will admit kids can transmit.
They reckon that the Isle Of Wight has 80,000 smart phone owners. Downloads 50k plus. No 10 saying no mention of middle of month. Pass. All I knew was that they intended to trial it somewhere in May. They are saying that it will be rolled out in the coming weeks but due an update to add the "new" symptoms.

Some one who is using it said the only personal info it wants is the first 3 letters of their post code. Eg PO30 for the isle of wight. Fair enough really and pretty obvious why they want it and need it as well. Otherwise it's anonymous.
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Quelle surprise...

Security flaws found in NHS contact-tracing app

"Wide-ranging security flaws have been flagged in the Covid-19 contact-tracing app being piloted in the Isle of Wight.
The security researchers involved have warned the problems pose risks to users' privacy and could be abused to prevent contagion alerts being sent.
GCHQ's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) told the BBC it was already aware of most of the issues raised and is in the process of addressing them.
But the researchers suggest a more fundamental rethink is required.
Specifically, they call for new legal protections to prevent officials using the data for purposes other than identifying those at risk of being infected, or holding on to it indefinitely.
In addition, they suggest the NHS considers shifting from its current "centralised" model - where contact-matching happens on a computer server - to a "decentralised" version - where the matching instead happens on people's phones."


a "decentralised" version

Like other more civilised nations have used with proven results because of a higher take up rate!
Once again our government had gained is. But at least bojo's mate had a nice link sum for testing to make an app.

How much does the government waste on IT projects?

World beating.


Tory losers
The report said ok on Android but not on Apple and the Apple come Google app not accurate enough so have given them the algorithm used plus more talks. Seems ours is more accurate when it comes to measuring distance. Use of bluetooth made me wonder - microwaves can be effected by all sorts of things.

Other countries are having the same problem with their app but maybe not Singapore where I think they said uptake was low - seem to remember 60% being mentioned on that one in the past.

No mention of Korea's. That uses mast derived location and card usage info. Information that is available and pretty solid. My attitude is why not. What they do is keep a rolling 21 days and just use it for that. Gov etc already has loads on us that we wouldn't be happy about it being generally available - it isn't. Korea has full phone coverage though - we dam well don't.

Apple and Google need to get to grips with the fact that Gov does need information. Phones are tracked anyway. Gov will know who started a tracking from them being tested. The only other info gov needs is who was in close contact and need to isolate and some way of contacting them. Otherwise gov needs yet another web page for people who's phone tells them to isolate - they do need that information anyway.
"The government now intends to launch an app in the autumn, however it says the product may not involve contact tracing at that point.

Instead the software may be limited to enabling users to report their symptoms and order a test.

Baroness Dido Harding - who heads up the wider Test and Trace programme - will only give the green light to actually deploying the Apple-Google technology if she judges it to be fit for purpose, which she does not believe is the case at present. It is possible this may never happen."

The UK approach is a f ucking joke...

It's almost as if total failure is the preferred outcome!
The UK approach is a f ucking joke...

There are a number of countries that have failed as well. They say that they have also tested the google etc app and that has problems as well

The disgusting thing really is that googapple wont play ball and give countries what they need from an app to get max use out of it. No skin off their nose or is it?
Come on Filly, it's a fair complaint.
We've been let down again.

Is it?, perhaps you didn't read the other thread his alter ego posted.

The PM says England will have a "world-beating" tracing system from June, as he was accused of leaving a "huge hole" in the country's coronavirus defences.

World beating, so scrapped it.
Now just got to retrain all those 25,000 tracers on a different system. Excellent!

£108M wasted, and that's just the system. Beats the bridge and the water cannon debacles.
Will there be any legal claims arising from all those system engineers becoming unemployed?

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse!

Read more: https://www.diynot.com/diy/threads/well-would-you-adam-and-eve-it.547381/#ixzz6Pl3Jgazc

It reads to me that the apple/google systems doesn't involve tracers.

The government now intends to launch an app in the autumn, however it says the product may not involve contact tracing at that point.
Instead the software may be limited to enabling users to report their symptoms and order a test.

Doesn't sound as though it's confirmed either.

Baroness Dido Harding - who heads up the wider Test and Trace programme - will only give the green light to actually deploying the Apple-Google technology if she judges it to be fit for purpose, which she does not believe is the case at present. It is possible this may never happen.

Other countries have had similar issues.

Germany, Italy and Denmark are among other countries to have switched from a so-called "centralised" approach to a "decentralised" one.

Bit of a non story really.

Read more: https://www.diynot.com/diy/threads/well-would-you-adam-and-eve-it.547381/#ixzz6Pl3Vlx4Q
The NHS. App only worked on 4% of Apple devices.
They developed their own app knowing that Apple and google devices did not work on the system requirements of the app- and now say that google and Apple should redesign their software

Can you imagine going to buy say, a product from Halfords, to fit your Honda, and it won't fit?
Halford's response- "well, we knew it wouldn't fit, but it's because Honda wouldn't redesign their car to suit us"
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