NHS Contact Tracing App

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It's Boris bashing plain and simple, I've no problem with that but ffs lets find a good enough reason, this whole thing is a non story.
We do need something and we have had a string of muck-ups. Although other countries have struggled, others have done well. My mate in Italy, only just this week told me about a little cluster of cases that came up in her neighbourhood and they managed to trace everyone they'd been in contact with. They now think, hopefully that it has helped.
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It was a trial on the IOW which identified major shortcomings so has been pulled to investigate an alternative solution. As usual the media are calling it another U-turn..............Sigh!

It doesn't matter what % worked on either Apple or Android phones. It needs to work on ALL smartphones to be effective.
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From what I understand, nothing older than 2 years old


It was a trial on the IOW which identified major shortcomings so has been pulled to investigate an alternative solution. As usual the media are calling it another U-turn..............Sigh!
It really is a u turn, although you don't use that term often with software development. It was a major point that a centralised system was key and vital and that required us to reinvent our own wheel.

But now it's not, because it failed exactly as it was expected to. So we're having to start again from the beginning.

This isn't unusual when you have managers demanding features that aren't technically possible or who ignore the 'yes but' discussions with their architects. It is textbook bad management.

It doesn't matter what % worked on either Apple or Android phones. It needs to work on ALL smartphones to be effective.
You're wrong. It doesn't have to work on all phones, track and trace is still useful if it catches some people as it reduces the R number. Then again that it didn't work at all on Apple phones was a significant issue.
Boris said "world beating."

It appears that he has no comprehension of requirement-gathering, specification, development, test, trial and roll-out

Perhaps he was surprised that it didn't work as he expected.

It was a world-beating failure.
Boris said "world beating."

It appears that he has no comprehension of requirement-gathering, specification, development, test, trial and roll-out

Perhaps he was surprised that it didn't work as he expected.

It was a world-beating failure.
Oddly, both you and the government forgot the design phase in there. :D
The issue with the govt app was the inability to interface with apples locked down Bluetooth. While I’m glad that the government have ditched their idea of a central app, google have form for data use secrecy and Apple while making excellent products deliberately proprietise them for profit.
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It's Boris bashing plain and simple, I've no problem with that but ffs lets find a good enough reason, this whole thing is a non story.

I agree its a non story.

NHS tracing app contract went to Faculty and Palantir

Faculty = controversial right-wingers Warner bros = Cummings&associates.
Palantir = controversial right-winger Peter Thiel = Trump

so the govt awarded the app contract to right wing connections.....but its a non story and not Johnsons fault says Fillyboy.
The issue with the govt app was the inability to interface with apples locked down Bluetooth. While I’m glad that the government have ditched their idea of a central app, google have form for data use secrecy and Apple while making excellent products deliberately proprietise them for profit.

Socialist. :p
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