15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Why is the NHS advertising the fact they are giving the HPV jab to teenage girls?

Just bloody get on with it! I dont need to know!

The fact is they are wasting OUR tax money on these very expensive adverts.

Why does the NHS have to advertise any of its services?

I mean, the condom adverts, they are fair enough, I can see why its beneficial to screen these. But the HPV ad, to me, seems totally pointless. Whats wrong with leaflets for those concerned - the girls and their mothers. You can get a whole lot more info into a leaflet.
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The advert seems to work - you know all about it.
Yes, they pay silly prices too (backhanders no doubt). They spend millions and millions but someone must be authorising it. If you don't like the Government then vote them out.
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Some 32 years ago I witnessed a once proud 12 stone woman reduced to looking like someone out of belsen by cervical cancer,if even one girl is saved by the advertising by the nhs then its a price i am happy to contribute to. Earlier tonight there was a advert of a young lad hoping his dad would give up smoking so he would not die early is this a waste aswell?
It depends if you want a nanny state or not.

Oh and this is the government that gave us 24 hour drinking - and look at what a disaster that is turning out to be.
I agree with Oompah if it saves one young girls life then worth it
I also agree with Oompah. I see cancer patients every day. Half of them won't survive and they aren't all old either. :( :( :(

But here's something else to think about. When this jab first appeared, what was the first thing most people heard about it. Was it

"New breakthrough in cancer prevention!"

Well maybe you heard that but the loudest outcry was:

"It'll encourage teenage girls to have under-age sex!"

It's nice to see that logic can sometimes win out over bigotry. :D :D :D
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