Odd Alert - Premier Elite 48

6 Feb 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
The RKPs gave a jingle and the message "System Alert", while the system was unset.

I ran Wintex using the ComIP connection to check the system log, but it failed to connect. I've checked the LAN cable, and the router says the panel is connected as usual.

I checked the log using the RKP and it showed no event between the last unsetting a few hours before, and entering the engineer code.

Could a failure of the ComIP module have caused the Alert?
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system alert, and nothing else when youtyoe in your code ?

are you using app?
When I logged in on the RKP there was no message.

Wintex on a Windows 10 PC is not connecting. No changes since the last time I connected.
not known system alerts occur without their being a messages to scroll through before getting into the menus.

if the connections are still good, and nothing is connected (wintex/app or sending a notification), then you should be able to connect unless somethings changed.

so the comip, can that be seen on the system, ie type in local ip address its supposed to be on and do you get the comip page up?
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Yes, if I go to the address in a browser I get the CompIP welcome page.
You Now Online with the Com-IP Module

But if I try to connect in Wintex I get

The Wintex settings are unchanged from when I last checked it a few weeks ago.
Have you changed the engineers code?

you need the ip address, port and udl password (default udl password is engineers code if the udl password box hasn't been completed (note app will not accept engineers code for UDL it must be in the UDL password box in panel).
Thanks for your help!

No I have changed nothing at all since the last successful connection.
well sally I would double check the following to start with.

ip we know is correct as we can see com ip page
check wintex panel details tally with those in the panel, so ip, port, udl
check wintex panel profile version versus panel versions (menu 4 on keypad).
check router that the port is still forwarded

if I was setting up a new profile I would need panel version, UDL, ip and port, and that the router was forwarded to the correct ip and port

if you are using the app and notifications you may not be able to connect if the panel is sending out a notification.
You can turn off notifications but need to do so via the keypad and disable the ARC.
If you still cant connect via the keypad, engineers code, 7 yes 8 yes, scroll to com ip port, press 0 what is displayed (bottom right should be 21).

if not press reset, it should clear and go through a sequence when it stops whats displayed?
I have sorted the connection problem. :mrgreen:
I replaced all the Account files from a cloud backup, and it worked straight off. Although everything looked OK in the Wintex settings, something must have been corrupted - there are four separate files for each account.

Which leaves me with the original problem of why the RKPs gave that System alarm. There is no trace of it on the logs. It hasn't happened again so I'm hoping it was just a on-off.

Thanks again securiam for leaping in to advise. You are a great help!
there you have it something had changed...lol just not sure what or how, always good to have another copy. looks like a dodgy file, you could open the profile that didn't connect and the one that did and compare them, for panel version ip, port, udl settings.

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