Old News: Police cuts and terrorists - Scaremongering

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
scaremongering, said Theresa May

Warning rejected in 2015

"Friday 20 November 2015 11.44 GMT

Cuts to officer numbers will severely affect the ability of the police to deal with a Paris-style attack, senior UK police chiefs have told the home secretary (Theresa May).

In a letter to
Theresa May following the atrocities in France, senior officers said mainstream policing was crucial in tackling terrorism.

The letter was sent at the request of a government Cobra emergency committee and, although it will be seen as part of the growing row over spending cuts, its leak shows the fears among police officers about the impact on security of planned cuts."

"....the number of police officers is down by about 17,000."


"Jeremy Corbyn has, ignored by the commentators, repeatedly used prime minister’s questions to warn about the impact of police cuts on our security. He has – at every point – done what May and Fox did not: asked the right questions.

Laugh, if you want, at Diane Abbott’s failure to answer the question: how much would 10,000 extra police cost? But it was the wrong question. With the Isis caliphate about to collapse in Raqqa and Mosul, spreading its survivors into the refugee trails of Europe, I don’t care how much 10,000 new officers cost. The right question is: how soon can they start?"

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:rolleyes: I would agree to an extent

how ever as most of the terrorist attacks in the UK are carried out by UK nationals . I am not sure about the comments concerning Raqua & mosul

Any UK national who went out there to fight should never have been & should not be allowed back into the UK
I'm pretty sure that Community Police Officers from Manchester and other parts of the UK are not rostered to work in Raqua & mosul
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