Parking Attendants

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Parking Attendants Given More Responsibility
Monday 12 January 104
Parking Attendants are set to gain more authority thanks to a Government Traffic Bill which will allow them to issue fines of up to £100 for minor traffic offences, relieving the pressure on the Police Service.

Do not let them see you in that 'yellow box' they have been told to be hot on that ..... No need to inform you at the time, just a letter !!

Now if they are put on 'bonus' they have a licence to print money !!

We're off to hell on a handcart --- Gov can make mistakes and chuck away zillions --- We to be allowed next to f'all !!
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What annoys me, is that it comes down to your word against their's. Now, with a highly-trained, career policeman then it isn't too big a deal. I know they sometimes deal with quotas, but generally don't.

But a parking attendant, someone who has had about 2 days training, the only qualification required is that your mother didn't know your father, yet their word is taken above mine. :evil: Why is that?

I was given an incorrect parking ticket, complained, pointed out the fact that I had even exchanged friendly nods with the b*stard in question as I walked away from the vehicle. Yet when I wrote to the council they said that my appeal was rejected because the PARKING ATTENDANT confirmed I must have been parked illegally. Well durr, he's not going to say "Oh, sorry, my bad. You WERE fully in the bay actually. Why am I such an ugly ****** with a g*t's job?"

Perhaps in future a little perjury should come into it. Next time you get a bull-s**t parking ticket, and you saw the attendant and could describe him to his superior, claim that the attendant swore at you and threatened you, and you want a formal apology etc. etc. :LOL: Hey, he just ruined your day, ruin his! Obviously it's not on to do that if you WERE parked illegally, he was just doing his job.
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