Poor Britain ...

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Watch Jeremy Kyle if you want an idea of where the UK is heading. I wonder if other EU countries can put
on a show like that?
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Watch Jeremy Kyle if you want an idea of where the UK is heading. I wonder if other EU countries can put
on a show like that?
Fair play to him though...

He has seen a large wedge of the quitter demographic and came to the conclusion that "Brexit-backing Brits didn't have a clue what they voted for"...

In addition he believes that "Brexit is an absolute shambles”, and that “We talk about political parties in disarray, this entire country is in disarray"...

But the quitters will still be cheering him on, oblivious of the irony!

If they are poor then will they be on benefits? If they are then why do we have a low unemployment rate?
Because firms are giving short hours contracts, 16 hrs a week, so before when one person was doing 40 hours a week plus some overtime, you now have 3 people working the same hours, those 3 people will be low paid so will have to claim benefits, but on the plus side, its less unemployed with an extra added bonus that the employer will probably not have to pay any NI if the workers don't earn much.
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A bit like the 'auf wiedersehn' generation, but in reverse!

However the UK ranks low down on state welfare/pension provisions whilst having some of the lowest tax rates for high earners and corporations...

And the proportion of the population on low wages/corporate welfare and zero hours contracts is also around the top of the charts...

Spot the links yet?

It's not rocket science.
Lots of homeless living on the streets
Not enough houses
A lack of hospital beds
Modern day slavery
Kids killing each other

Let's try and look after the people we have without adding adding adding
A bit like the 'auf wiedersehn' generation, but in reverse!

However the UK ranks low down on state welfare/pension provisions whilst having some of the lowest tax rates for high earners and corporations...

And the proportion of the population on low wages/corporate welfare and zero hours contracts is also around the top of the charts...

Spot the links yet?

The Greeks have super low taxes and very early retirement ages (some public sector workers retire <50 at 50% of salary), how do they do it? :D
Fair play to him though...

He has seen a large wedge of the quitter demographic and came to the conclusion that "Brexit-backing Brits didn't have a clue what they voted for"...

In addition he believes that "Brexit is an absolute shambles”, and that “We talk about political parties in disarray, this entire country is in disarray"...

But the quitters will still be cheering him on, oblivious of the irony!
JK could be one of the UKs top exporter soon. Bet it gives the other EU countries a right chuckle at the
state the UK has become.
JK could be one of the UKs top exporter soon. Bet it gives the other EU countries a right chuckle at the
state the UK has become.
What state is that?

Still one the biggish financial centres in the world.
0.7% of Brits are living on less than $5.50 per day
Unbelievable. How is that even possible?

I mean, I gave Mr Singh two $1 coins for some bread and milk and he threw me out the damn shop, and threatened to call the Police!
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