Report on the radio

Yes, Macron is not happy with any Anglo Saxons, apparently.

Which is odd as he sucks up to both the Angles and the Saxons.
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I can't wait.
"Wales and Cornwall hardest hit as UK loses out on £11.4bn in EU regional funding after Brexit"


They voted to kill the goose, but still want the golden eggs.
Jersey have warned any of there fishermen to stay away from any french port or french waters for there own safety

threats of violence being made by the garlic munchers

Threats probably supported by F***** government ?
True to form, transam is creating his own threads in order for him to persist with his francophilia.
Transam is a lying racist who promotes genocide and humourises the Holocaust.

Bigotry is taught in the home to children from an early age by their parents and peers. Transam has been so completely indoctrinated he is unable to shake himself free from his bigotry, and he seeks to similarly radicalise others.
Why aren’t the EU fining the French fishermen who have been working fraudulently & now threatening violence because they won’t accept the regulations???? Why is Macron not condemning the illegal actions?
What fraudulent working?
What illegal actions?
You've been radicalised by transam. Transam seeks to exploit any and every opportunity to practise his extreme racism, and indoctrinate gullible people.
Macron is not exactly the french fishermans best friend at the moment and has elections coming up so wont stop them playing dirty.

That’s integrity for you.

Those who issue threats would be advised to be careful

the UK would not be surprised at the Russians or chinese threatening to cut energy supplies

but the F***** government

hmmmm ;)

showing their true nature ;)

Cutting off the leccy threat

resulting in what

medical equipment not working in health centres

and homes cutting off heating to the elderly and infirm

deaths occurring

I see the usual UK hater trolls are silent over the caper
No surprise tbh ;)

if it had been the other way around hmmmm ;)

be that as it may and I agree with you to a certain extent

but it’s an act of aggression

the F*****

Tansam starts a thread to promote his francophilia and his supporter pile in because they also are devoid of entertainment in their life they have to resort to bigotry to amuse themselves.
Their Instagram accounts must have been blocked and they can't racially abuse footballers, so they resort to racially abusing the French on DIYnot because they are allowed to.
F***** are well versed in violent protest / demos

little wonder that the jersey government is warning there fishermen to stay clear of garlic munchers ports and waters
F***** are well versed in violent protest / demos

little wonder that the jersey government is warning there fishermen to stay clear of garlic munchers ports and waters
Transam is well versed in promoting racially motivated hatred. It's his raison d'etre.
Bigotry is taught to children from an early age, in the home by their parents and other relatives.
You told us about your uncles conducting medical experiments on prisoners in Auschwitz. You found your family history amusing.
Medical experiments
Experiments were planned at the highest levels ....or to reinforce the bases of racial ideology
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