Rugby. A REAL Mans Game!

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Looks like he's still got the balls to play.
"Wood was kneed in the groin by a Leeds player one minute into the second half of the showpiece final at Old Trafford. The result? A ruptured testicle."

Rugby. A real violent thug's game.
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"Wood was kneed in the groin by a Leeds player one minute into the second half of the showpiece final at Old Trafford. The result? A ruptured testicle."

Rugby. A real violent thug's game.
Where do you get the thug from?
hold him still and knee him in the *******s? What do you call it? High spirits? Playfulness?

If only there was some way of identifying the thug responsible...

Rugby is a mans game, not a place for men to whinge and cry when they end up on the floor.

It is also very disciplined, the respect they give each other, especially the referees is brilliant. A lot of sports could learn lessons from rugby league.

I played at a pretty high level, still love to watch the game.
"Wood was kneed in the groin by a Leeds player one minute into the second half of the showpiece final at Old Trafford. The result? A ruptured testicle."

Rugby. A real violent thug's game.

Obviously you 'play' football then. :rolleyes:
A knee in the b*ll*x. :eek:
A woman couldn't begin to imagine that pain. :LOL:

How true. A woman always reckons childbirth is the worst pain in the world, but I always say, after a few years , a woman will ask her husband , if he fancy's trying for another child. ........ You will never hear a bloke saying "I fancy another knee in the bo**ocks." :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Yep you can get the message over to your opposite number without having to play dirty. If you knee somebody in the nuts you need to be arrested. Play hard and make sure you go over to get your oppo a beer afterwards, a very civilised game. I was a back and once got co-opted to play in the scum, what a frightening place that was, the opposite prop looked at me, we locked heads, and he picked me up by the stubble on his chin. Never went back in there by choice ever again.
Well Joe, one of the benefits of playing rugby is the social skills you learn afterwards.

From sharing a bath with your team mates (where you play bonding games like who can get the most 10p pieces under their 4skin) to drinking the opposition under the table while playing 'Zip Boing Profilgliano zoom dambusters colonel puff'.

I realise you will see this as a homosexual thing, that's your homophobia and hatred of anybody who is remotely successful coming out, but it really isn't like that at all. Clearly as you display a complete lack of any social skills whatsoever you never played the game.
Are you saying that homosexuality is a gauge of success? Worra tosser you are. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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