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easier, running down the steep bits its even worse though - hurts my knees!

Anyone got any tips for techniques for running downhill? Would I be better to just let the hill decide my pace (ie speed up) rather than trying to hold myself back to keep to my running pace?

When Seb Coe was being trained by his Dad they used hills sprints to strengthen him. But his Dad would always drive him back down them in his car. Running down hill is painful due to angles, gravity and weight causing a higher impact stress on the knee joint. About the only thing that you can do about it is shorten your stride, sort of tippy toe your way down. But most of all, smile. Don't let people see you're in pain. :confused:
How's the training going Andrew?

I have to agree with Alarm, when you can't run anymore due to age/injuries you really miss it.

Take the downhills very carefully, as wreckedit said, the downhills can be the most damaging on your knees. If necessary, walk downhill and don't worry about the rest of the pack, you'll easy catch them up on the uphills.
You'd normally lengthen your stride downhill and shorten it for the uphill, but if it's too painful/damaging downhill don't risk it. (Same applies when you're walking)
If there's a choice of grass or tarmac, take the grass, it's easier on your knees.

When I used to go out walking the hills and mountains with friends I found I could outpace them uphill but never worried about it 'cos they'd catch me up on the dowhills.

I remember setting out to ascend ScaFell Pike one day, felt good, stepped down off the little bridge that goes over the little stream at the very beginning and called the day off for me. I could have easily ascended but I knew then that it would be painful coming down again.

After Mont Blanc I limped badly down from Tete Rousse to catch the tram whilst friends ran on to delay it. I only just caught the last one of the day, it would have been an overnight bivii 'cos there was no way I could have walked the rest of the way down that day.
Annoyingly, I could have outpaced them easily on the scramble down from Gouter Hut, but it's difficult to pass on that stretch.

Latterly I always took walking poles, didn't use 'em on the way up, just on the way down.
Thanks guys, the hill i'm struggling with has a grass verge, so might try that next time - just slightly worried about slipping on early morning dew and/or dog muck!! Will have to try it though. Might even resort to walking down - the steepest bit is only for about 50-60m so shouldn't really affect my training?

Training is going well thanks RH2 - as I say, i've gone up from 1km two weeks ago that was really hard, to 3.2km yesterday which was much easier (although i'm pretty tired when i get back home!). Gonna stick to 3.5km ish for a couple more runs then try and extend it up in 500m intervals every couple of runs. Trying to run every other day at the moment, or at least I was until i started with the knee problem!!

The run is in Sheffield, and although its known as 'The Hilly City', i'm hoping there's nothing on the route quite as steep as those around home where i'm training; so hopefully no need to worry on the day. The troublesome hill is about 1:7!!
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Run 5km for the first time (probably the first time in my life!!) this morning. Only my 9th training run and 5km completed in under 28mins, i'm really pleased with that!! Its amazing how you don't realise that roads are 'uphill' when you're driving on them in a car - I could certainly tell this morning!!

Ordered a bike (as some of you may have seen on another thread) too to do some training that isn't solely running. Might reduce the 'impact' on my knee!!
Excellent idea about the bike to assist with training. I'm sure non-cyclists under-estimate the training provided by cycling.

Well done with sticking at it so far.

I'd guess you want to do at least double the distance on the bike, at first, that you'd normally run, working up to three, or even four times the distance.

I don't know if you've ever tried a Triathlon, but the wierdest part is getting off the bike and starting to run, you're legs still want to go round in circles.
Red Herring - its a similarly long time since I last rode a bike (but they say you never forget how, so hope that's the case!) - about 12years, so will see how it goes on the bike. My thoughts were that as i'm running for just shy of half an hour at the moment, i'd be wanting to be on the bike for at least 30mins, possibly longer - don't know what that would convert to in terms of distance?

I hope to start cycling to work one or two times a week (11.5miles) to help with the training and cut my fuel bill a bit - but we'll have to see how that goes - again the hills will be my issue and a full days work with an 11.5 miles cycle ride at the start and end doesn't sound overly appealing at the moment!!

Triahtlon - Running, Cycling and Swimming? Is that right? Never tried one, and, as mentioned earlier in the thread, the swimming would cause me an issue!! I know what you mean though - I have a similar odd feeling when encountering field stiles on my runs - running up a fairly steep hill and then having to climb a wooden gate makes my legs wonder what's happening!! I have avoided ending up in a heap on the floor up to now! ;)
If you have access to a shower at work, you'll be surprised at how alert you'll find yourself after the shower at work.
Don't forget to eat and drink when you arrive at work.

Depending on terrain and traffic, I'd have thought you'd achieve 11 miles easily in 30 minutes.

If you need motivation, consider the finances each week.

An hour long ride at the weekend is a nice change from a run, for variety.
Yes, we've had a shower at work since we had the office fitted out, but it never worked. We've recently had it replaced as we've all bought bikes through the government's cyclescheme so that we can cycle in to work so showering at work will be fine - and breakfast at my desk shouldn't be a problem either!! The first 2 miles will be hard work, incline wise, but after that its pretty much flat or downhill - obviously that means that the first 9miles will be harder heading home at night!!

If I can do it in 30mins then its definately a goer as far as i'm concerned - it takes 20mins in the car (13.5miles by road)!! Don't worry, the finance benefits are already making me keen to give it a go - reckon it costs me about £3.50 a day in fuel alone, then there's wear and tear on the car etc... Fuel is only going to get more expensive... £3.50 saving will pay for a beer in the pub conveniently located half way home!!

LOL, we used to do football training twice a week and go to the pub................sort of defeated the object :D

Well done on sticking to this though!
LOL, we used to do football training twice a week and go to the pub................sort of defeated the object :D

Well done on sticking to this though!

Ha ha, I know what you mean, the thought crosses my mind too - but then I figure that, going for a run before the pint, is better than just having the pint!!

Thank you! Don't really have a choice though - as soon as the first person sponsored me to do it, there was no turning back really!!
Just another update on my progress for anyone who is interested! After a few weeks where i've done little training for one reason or another, i'm now just over 4 weeks from the day of the run so i'm kicking into training really seriously now. Ran 7.6km on Monday morning and found really hard going - from the moment I set off something just didn't seem right and I thought several times that I wouldn't complete it, but pushed myself and did the 7.6km in 44.5mins. Been again this morning with the intention of doing 7.6km again and hoping it would be better than Monday and i was really comfortable today - so comfortable that I carried on and did 8.6km instead - and still felt like I could do more.

Really pleased with my progress, i've done 24 training runs and covered almost 80km in the last 3months and that's taken me from being slightly overweight and unable to run more than a few 100m to running 8.6km in 48mins - looking forward to the day of the run now!! Raised almost £400 so far for The Children's Hospital, Sheffield now too!!
Andrew do you have a 'justgiving' link for anyone to contribute to your fundraising....I am sure there are many on here that would be happy to do so.
Well done for your persistance :)
Susie - so long as no-one laughs at my pictures ;) - my justgiving page is I don't expect or ask anyone on here to sponsor me, as I don't really know anyone here properly, but if anyone does feel inspired to make a donation I would very much appreciate the support and I've no doubt the charity would be overjoyed - thank you for asking.
An annoymous donation 5mins after my last post so I assume it was someone from on here - if so, thank you very much.
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