SATA SDD disappearing or corrupting often

8 Feb 2015
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United Kingdom
My SATA hdd dies and I lost all of my data. I took the opportunity to fit an NVMe 256GB main disk drive to run windows 10 and then added a SATA SDD for storage.
A month after running this system the SATA storage drive disappeared. I removed it and refitted it but it didn't come back. Then the next day it was back. A few days later, I tried to open a folder on the storage SATA SDD and it gave me a message saying the files are corrupted or unreachable. I had to dun CHKDSK and that gave me the data back.
Is this something that is going to keep happening? Or is there something I need to do to make sure this stops happening?
It is a Lenovo Ideapad y700. Older model, probably the first version. Great specs though.
Thanks all.
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1) Make a backup asap
2) Get hold of CrystalDiskInfo and run a diagnostic

You should be able to proceed from there...

Post back and let us know how you get on..
Well the whole system is new and so I have virtually nothing on the drive yet. I have linked my downloads folder to that drive. I have run chkdsk D:/f a couple of times and it always fully recovers when I do that. I will check out Chrystal Disk Info. What do you suspect is going on?
I've downloaded and launched chrystalDiskInfo and it shows my system disk (WD 256GB NVMe drive) as Good 100% in blue colour and 44 degrees Celsius. It shows the SATA SDD 1TB Kingston drive as being Good 100% in Blue colour and at 40 degrees Celsius. Is there any testing that I can do in this app? These results just appeared automatically.
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Does it get turned off by your laptop's power saving?

What drive letter have you designated to the SSD?

Have you looked through the "BIOS"?
I'm new to SSD drives. The NvMe drive has windows installed and the SATA SDD has the storage downloads folder sent there. They are as usual. The OS is on drive C and the SATA SDD is drive D. I have not looked through BIOS. What would I be looking for?
Hmm.. interesting.. let's try a process of elimination.

i) Have you tried the original sata hdd for signs of life in another system? Does it spin up but not boot?

ii) Are there any BIOS updates available for the laptop (check manf website)?
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I put the original SATA HDD in a hard drive enclosure and got nothing from it, so it was deader than disco. There may well be a BIOS update pending, so I will check that out. I've also noticed that sometimes the machine takes a long time to load a page online. I mean if I run chkdsk, it gets through it in a couple of seconds on the SDD but it took a lot longer on the old HDD. I get that. SSD's are much much faster. But it just makes me wonder why these other isues are happening. I will check for the BIOS update in the meantime. Thanks
Here's another shot....
Given that it is a new system, you will have nothing to lose (ok.. mebe an hour so of time) by trying to install a copy of Win7 Ultimate for test purposes to see if there is a compatibility issue with Win10... shouldn't be too hard to track down ;)

That said, could install MX-Linux to a USB drive and then remove both SSDs, then boot from the usb drive and see if it runs ok or throws up any errors...

If your lappy has blown one HDD already and is now playing up with new SSDs (which have been confirmed as 'good' by Crystal).. something is very wrong.
Are your general operating temps within range, vents and fans clean...?
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Fans are spotless cos I made sure when I opened her up to add the SSD's. The NvMe SSd doesn't seem to have any issues. I suppose if the SATA SDD fails then I will just get a larger NvMe drive with bigger storage. I know it can support 1TB, and if I am lucky it might support 2.
I had Lenovo detect my product and scan for drivers and software updates. No updates were required. So I chose the manually option and there is one BIOS update included there. So I guess I'll update that and see if things get bettter.
The computer told me that what I am trying to install is the same as what is already there. So I guess that's not the issue either. I suppose I'll see how things go over the next week or two and if the SATA keeps failing I will remove it and use it as an external storage. I can then replace the NvMe drive with a capacity of up to 2TB.
OK. Update. Like I said, I'm fairly new to SDD drives. My SATA 1TB SDD drive which I have shortcutted my downloads folder to, is having trouble. It hasn't disappeared in over a week, but if I download a PDF or an MKV file, even from an email they are unreadable. I even tried copying over from a flash drive to the SATA SDD, and most of the time, the PDF files or MKV files are unreadable. One out of 10 might work. Has anyone had issues like this and is there something I can do to fix this? Thanks
How did you set up drive D:

Did you tell the relevant parts of the registry to point to it?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Let me try though. I fitted the 256GB NvMe SDD and installed Windows 10. That became Drive C. That all went fine.
Then a few days latter, I bought the ITB SATA SDD drive and fitted that where the old SATA HDD was. That became Drive D.
I redirected the downloads folder from Drive C to Drive D and then that was that. I formatted Drive D to NTFS before I fitted it, I think....if I remember correctly! Does this help to answer your question or have I been silly and forgotten something important?
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