So what's classed as essential?

You need Talk Radio in your life. At times like this, it's been a godsend. Get it on the 'net or DAB depending what area you're in. Where I live, one can only get approved views and opinion from Aunty Beeb over DAB.

I liked Talk Radio when it first came out, back in the 90s was it? One of my all-time-favourite presenters was on there, James H. Reeve. I often stayed up too late listening to him talk to a succession of nutcases (I think they're all on this board now!) The presenter whose show followed his, Mike Dickin, was great also. Real radio!

At some point it became Talk Sport and I lost interest in it. Listening to talk about sport is is one of the most tedious things imaginable.
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I liked Talk Radio when it first came out, back in the 90s was it? One of my all-time-favourite presenters was on there, James H. Reeve. I often stayed up too late listening to him talk to a succession of nutcases (I think they're all on this board now!) The presenter whose show followed his, Mike Dickin, was great also. Real radio!

At some point it became Talk Sport and I lost interest in it. Listening to talk about sport is is one of the most tedious things imaginable.

I also lost interest when it became Talk Sport.... which is why it's so so good that internet radio came along, Talk Sport and Talk Radio are now separate, James Whale is now on before 10PM, and also still featuring The Independent Republic of Mike Graham, plus Julia Harley-Brewer in the mornings. The drive time fella is quite good too, Dan someone. Weekends it a bit shabby.

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