So who's the MP caught watching porn?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
I'm listening about it on Jeremy Vine and they are saying all will be revealed later on today.

Any guesses?
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What gets me is.... they will set up an enquiry about this. Yet will they set up an enquiry about Angela Rayner?
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What, an enquiry into whether a woman should be allowed to be woman?

I don't think she's guilty of anything, but I really wouldn't know. And nor do you... she could have been doing a Sharon only she's knows for sure.

On the other hand he whoever he may be could have just opened a WhatsApp message that was deliberately sent to him. Who knows? I don't!!@ nor do you.
You're right, we don't know.

But re AR, it was obviously just another tabloid slur that this time got the paper into a bit of trouble.

The only question is, did Boris or any other Tory ask a chum at the paper to write something daft about AR so the main topic is changed? That is why the editor would have been called in, I think. It would also be a sackable offence.

Angela Rayner is the victim here, any enquiry made should be to determine who the sexist pig is.
Angela Rayner is the victim here, any enquiry made should be to determine who the sexist pig is

She always seems to sit behind this :confused:

The porn watcher. Announcements suggest they know who it was.
Porn-watcher should be sacked imho.

But what about the Lords who fall asleep?!
I don't see what the problem is, they can watch Netflix with impunity while there when stuff they are not involved in is discussed and no one says a thing.
As above they can also fall asleep.

For all we know it may be that the MP was sent something and watched it rather than sought it out.
I was chatting to a former newspaper editor at the weekend about this story. He has no doubt that she made comments that led to the story on the terrace bar after a few glasses of wine, in the same way she made saucy comments to the editor I was talking to, but he was in no doubt that on both occasions it was simply 'banter' on her part. The tory mp's stupidly peddled it as a story to the MOS. When the MOS phoned her for comment she didn't deny it but simply said 'prove it', which suggests there was something in the story.
In his opinion the story should never have ran because all the substance is simply unprovable, and the whole article was wrapped in a personal attack using descriptors such as 'single mother' , 'left school at 16' etc etc, so it was pretty low class journalism.

Despite it being s s**t piece of journalism, I think the editor was correct in telling Lindsay to 'do one' after being summoned by the speaker.
The only question is, did Boris or any other Tory ask a chum at the paper to write something daft about AR so the main topic is changed? That is why the editor would have been called in, I think. It would also be a sackable offence.

Again you don't know.... sort of making it up.... They say misogyny... how do we know it wasn't a woman who tipped the mail off?
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