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Staff member
17 Aug 2001
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United Kingdom
Don't do it. It's not big, it's not clever, it's a waste of everyones time. You post it, we have to edit and remove it, net result - waste of time for you and us.

If you don't have the intellect to select an alternative word then please invest in a thesaurus/dictionary. :evil:

The site is accessible to anyone of any age and I would be thankful if your language reflects this when posting.

:!: This also stands for all the ingenious attempts to get round the swear filter by the substitution/insertions of alternative characters. Is it really worth it?

No. Please don't.

Cheers :)
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so what if people swear? its just another word. every1 has heard of it before. there is only a very small monority who finds it offensive
andrew2022 said:
there is only a very small monority who finds it offensive
I don't think so, I don't like it either, it's mostly the younger generation who think it's normal to swear. Yes I do swear but not in front of children, women, on here or in public.

My opinion in people swearing for no reason is a sign of weakness the same as shouting or losing their temper.

Sadly the TV programme is also not helping or am'I old fashion, well I'm not that old :)
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I thought that the naughty-word detector picked most of them up anyway, though, as a side-comment, it lets through words like **** or cripple, which I find more offensive than the more traditional swear words.

Take the point though - its not big or clever and there's no real reason to lose your temper on an internet forum (FFS :LOL: )

Edit: Obviously I was wrong about the above :D Hurrah for the naughty-word filter !!!!
Is the swear filter "the line" that we can't cross? Or is there a line nearer that we should be sticking to?

The reason I ask is that it is generally acceptable in polite conversation to indicate the language of a third party. For example by saying "and then the magistrate said 'eff off' to the vicar"

So, does that mean in an exasperated moment it is acceptable to say "effing"?

Whilst I agree that swearing is unnecessary here, could we please have a repeal on that word beginning with 'l' that indicates a woman who enjoys the company of other women? I promise I will only use it in the most tasteful of ways.
You may think that **** or ****** are offensive but what about ***, *****, ******* or even ***-*****-*!

You will notice that I have got around the naughty-word detector by merely thinking the letters as I typed in the stars, let's see you get around that, Mr thought-police Admin!!!
AdamW, a few 'normal' words have been added to the filter over the years because of abuse, i.e. they have been used in some childish name-calling way repeatedly by a user/users because the 'naughty' word in question isnt in the swear filter, so I add it to the filter. I'll remove the 'l' word and we'll see how long it is before I have to add it again. Fingers crossed. :confused:
If you don't have the intellect to select an alternative word then please invest in a thesaurus/dictionary.

I did, the Oxford English Dictionary. It has a word that begins with f that mean copulation, it has a word beginning with s that means faecies, it has a word beginning with c that pertains to womens naughty bits, it has a word beginning with b pertaining to mens naughty bits, it has lots of other words which are in your swear filter, I suspect.

I think all this nannying is pathetic.
There were 17 replies to this thread a few minutes ago, it looks like the vicious censor has been around again. Anyone care to admit to this?
You can always use your dictionary to find alternatives that are more tasteful.

Swearing has never nor will ever be tolerated on the forum.

PS Irrelevant posts removed by me, the post has a sensible statement which I don't want to go down the silly path. :evil:
I doubt faeces tast any better than poo or ssh.. it isn't permitted.
DIYnot said:
PS Irrelevant posts removed by me, the post has a sensible statement which I don't want to go down the silly path. :evil:

If people's feet take them down the silly path why should you turn them back?
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