Sweets, Crisps etc from the 'Olden Days'!!!

2 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
What sweets, crisps etc do you crave or just remember but don't see now from the 'olden days'?

Just to get us started... Now don't get me wrong here, I ain't no fan of Twiglets in their 'Original' form. My wife likes them, I dislike them. However, I did like Worcester Sauce Twiglets. What happened to them? (couldn't find a pic of them!)

I remember a Chocolate type bar called Texan.

I don't remember being particularly fond of it, I just remember it being around... way back when!

Do they still do Jamaica Rum Chocolate? My dad loved that.

This is the only pic I can find of it but i'm sure the original had a Sail Boat on the front. I remember buying it as a kid for my father for Christmas. God how things have changed!
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Here's the bear SP but I don't remember Vice Versa.
What was it?
See my edit: link added!!

Another one that I've dredged up: Hedgehog crisps!

Here's a tale...

In the UK in 1981, Hedgehog Foods Ltd decided, as a joke, to produce Hedgehog flavoured crisps. To everyone's surprise, the crisps were a huge success.

Hedgehog flavoured crisps were actually flavoured with pork fat and no hedgehogs were used in the manufacturing process. Consequently, it wasn't long before Hedgehog Foods Ltd was in court (1982), up against the Office of Fair Trading, on a charge of false advertising.

Bizarrely, a settlement was finally reached when Mr Lewis, of Hedgehog Foods, interviewed gypsies who actually did eat baked hedgehogs, to ascertain the flavour of hedgehogs. Mr Lewis then commissioned a flavourings firm to duplicate the flavour as closely as possible and changed the labels from "hedgehog flavoured" to "hedgehog flavour" and all interests were satisfied!
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Smiths crisps with the little bag of salt.
They still do them to$$er but under Walkers now. Sorry for the size difference, I have no preference... Honest!

Walkers bought up most of the crisp manufacturers I think. I believe they bought Tudor Crisps... 'A Canny Bag of Crisps'! You might not get that from 'down south'.
I will probably end up with no teeth due to eating too many Pacers in the 80's
(couldn't find a pic, which means this could be a lie, or a very sweet dream I once had) :mrgreen:
I think the hedgehog crisps were before my time! :LOL:

Pacers... I had forgotten those.

The Olde English Spangles were my favourite as well as Jamaica Rum Chocolate.

Anyone remember (I think it was Cadburys) There was a bar of chocolate with about 6 assorted chocs stuck together on one bar. Probably going back about 35 yrs though :oops:
I can remember a "coconut tobacco", came in a wax paper packet, red with a picture of a pirate ship on it.

I just cannot remember its correct name.

I used to cycle 1/2 way across Canvey Island to get to the only sweetshop that sold it & I have not found it since.
Nearest I could find was coconut slithers in a bag from Botany bay in Chorley.

Eee, them were the days :D
the chocolate bar with the different flavours was made by Fry's (don't know if cadbury owned them) it was dark chocolate and came out after the mint one they made,
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