Swine flu: panic grows

Unfortunately if pneumonia is caused by a virus,

Which it isn't.

If you want to quote someone, at least put it in context...

here's the original ;)

Unfortunately if pneumonia is caused by a virus, antibiotics are no good - they only work if it's caused by bacterial infection...

1. the cause of pneumonia can be either viral or bacterial..

2. antibiotics are only effective against the bacterial strain..

3. swine flu is viral..

use above 3 sentences to come to the correct conclusion...;)

Viral Pneumonia Overview

Pneumonia is an infection or inflammation of the lungs. It can be in just one part of the lungs, or it can involve many parts. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. The severity of pneumonia depends on which organism is causing the infection. Viral pneumonias are usually not very serious, but they can be life-threatening in very old and very young patients, and in people whose immune systems are weak.

Viral Pneumonia Causes

Viral pneumonia can be caused by influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the herpes or varicella viruses, including those that cause the common cold (parainfluenza and adenoviruses).

Still think it can't be caused by a virus?
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Sorry ellal i had my pragmatic head on. :oops: :rolleyes:

What i meant to imply was the deaths caused by the 1918 epidemic stemmed mainly from bacterial pneumonia, i.e the viral flu was unavoidable but the subsequent bacterial pneumonia would be treatable with today's' medicine.
But it wouldn't. Pneumonia is still a massive killer in this country and is becoming more so as antibiotics fail and bacteria become immune.
Plus we couldn't manufacture on that grand a scale.
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But it wouldn't. Pneumonia is still a massive killer in this country and is becoming more so as antibiotics fail and bacteria become immune.
Plus we couldn't manufacture on that grand a scale.

Joe, if you ever decide to become a pragmatist please quit posting on this forum as you would not know what to say. You are the complete antithesis of reason.

Smoking is a massive killer as is malaria but life goes on joe, geddit.

Next years flavour will be mad foot 'n' mouth bird flu, but we will survive, there will still be oil and the N.H.S. will be no more beleaguered than it is today.
You just don't understand the subject mate. Stick to building.