T&G chipboard flooring


17 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
I am replacing old damaged floorboards in a room with T&G chipboard flooring the prolem is the chipboard is 22mm and the floorboards are 24mm, I am having to leave the old floorboards at the wall, so must pack up the difference. Does anybody have any ideas as to a 2 mm packing material?
Thanks in advance
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stop!!!! Dont put chipboard down. It is nothing but trouble and should have been banned years ago for flooring! You will need to replace again in the next 5 years!
Also you need to replace with the same thickness or thicker. The floorboards down will match ( or should ) the joist spacing in your house! Any thinner and you will have problems. If using something like chipboard then it should be thicker rather than thinner.
stop!!!! Dont put chipboard down. It is nothing but trouble and should have been banned years ago for flooring! You will need to replace again in the next 5 years!

Hi Matty, could you expand on why you hate T&G so much ? I've used this stuff in my house for replacing old, woodwormed boards for the last 15 years and I've had no problems with it at all. The oldest replacement was the bathroom as well which I would've thought was the hardest wearing re: damp etc.

Admittedly, I used the treated P5 grade ( green ) but it was the 3/4" equivalent stuff that just about matched the thickness of the old boards.

Just interested that's all - cheers.
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chipboard is shocking stuff and is only fit to burn.
In a way you'r right,the more people destroy it the more we will have to make to replace it and keep me in a job like the last 33 years.
You have seen that the pro floorers don't like it and there are better solutions. But . . . .

It is quick and cheap to install
IF kept dry it lasts OK
It is a pain in the neck to put access hatches in (and fix the hatches so you can walk on them) but careful use of 3*1 battens screwed around the edges works reasonably well.

If you go to a window supplier they will have 2mm plastic packers, you can also get them on line. Use these on the joists.

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