texecom premier 48

twist the alarm pair and tamper pair together at the panic button then re-check via eng utils
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jumper set to deafault normally closed. Which is what the wiring choice is promgrammed for on the 48

If your using all 4 wires, 2 for tamper and 2 for alarm you want to program your zone wiring as Double pole/EOL, not normally closed.

It look like the backplate for a CQR panic button but im not sure and cant find any instructions online to check the right place for jumpers.
Quick update, I've just changed the wiring to double pole, and now on the door contact and panic button I get tamper . The panic button is a cqr and I have the diagrams for both. They say no jumpers need to be fitted if using traditional 4 wires which is what I am doing . Shall I twist the tamper wires together to see what I get ?
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Right, the panic button is now working fine, says secure. The front door however, I've twisted the tamper pair which gives me secure. But when the door opens still says secure, its like its not picking the magnet up, I've tryed another magnet next to it and moved it away but still no luck. The wiring diagram says remove all jumpers which I have done. So bit stuck now

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