That chap Nige ...

22 Aug 2006
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United Kingdom
..the one I mentioned in the covid thread which got pulled.
My wife called his wife expecting to be told he's responding to treatment etc .
He's not OK. They moved him to the ICU.
He'll probably be out in a few days, but his wife's in bits and worried sick.

It's not a cold, it's nasty.
He's 55.
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I am sorry to hear that, fingers crossed he recovers soon.

The treatment options available now are really effective and most recover quickly.

Unfortunately if he is in ICU, he will almost certainly suffer long covid, for a few weeks at least
He's still there. He's "stable". But they're trying a different drug, so it sounds like they're not happy with progress.
The daughter has come home to be with wife , who hasn't seen him since he went into ICU. He's being kept under, so couldn't respond anyway.

His daughter has set up a Facebook page to stop her Mother being pestered, with basic info on it, which includes, "Daddy didn't have any covid vaccinations, but Mummy is fully boosted." Oh Shít.
Well he always was a bright enough guy, but rather obdurate. Anything in his head was his, therefore unquestionable.
He's still there. He's "stable". But they're trying a different drug, so it sounds like they're not happy with progress.
The daughter has come home to be with wife , who hasn't seen him since he went into ICU. He's being kept under, so couldn't respond anyway.

His daughter has set up a Facebook page to stop her Mother being pestered, with basic info on it, which includes, "Daddy didn't have any covid vaccinations, but Mummy is fully boosted." Oh Shít.
Well he always was a bright enough guy, but rather obdurate. Anything in his head was his, therefore unquestionable.
Gosh, that sounds pretty serious.

The NHS has much better outcomes these days for covid and of course therapeutics including anti virals really make a difference.
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I wish him well, but it doesn't sound good.

The induced coma alone is likely to have long lasting repercussions.

One of my ex-girlfriends was put in a coma when she had pneumonia. When she recovered she needed speech and physio therapy. She now sleeps during the day and is awake most of the night.

A mate (Bill Wilson) from my local pub caught covid in 2020. He ended up having his blood oxygenated whilst in a coma (88 days). Nearly 2 years down the line he still has to use a stick to walk and has what I am tempted to call PTSD.

He came home one evening, felt a little rough. Within hours his missus phoned for an ambulance. A day or so later he was put in to an induced coma.
Sad to hear and good luck to him. He is at an age where many pull though that sort of treatment in ICU.
It's "Hurry up and wait and see".

combined with something like this:

gives him a good chance of coming out, which everyone's been telling the family.
As we all know, if he'd had the vaccines, his chance of being in there would be ÷(large number).
All the people on MV in ICU there are non-vaccinated, but most are either obese, or older. (2nd or 3rd or 4th hand info.)

I think the FB page is fam and friends only. I know nothing of FB!
He was in ICU on a ventilator for six days, then they decided he could breathe on his own.
The antivirals & steroids made him much better.
His wife and daughter went to see him, which was a huge lift for everyone.
The tubes meant that his talking was very croaky because of the tubes he'd had,
but relief all round, as a strong fit guy he'd made it through.
They reckoned he'd spend a couple of weeks on a ward while they monitored damage to his organs.
His wife called every day to see how he'd passed the night. This morning they told her,
he'd just had a relapse, and not come round.

The doc said it was "overwhelmingly likely" that a vaccine would have saved him.
They're going through the stages of grief - at the moment they're really angry with him, calling him stupid, arrogant, selfish.
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