The crumbustion chamber?

Until it's got gas in it - it's just a pipe and I can run them wherever I want to. ;)
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Joe90 you really are an annoying little ****. I have tried to be civil and engage you in a lite hearted banter, but you are really like skin cancer - a little itch to begin with, ending up in a raging pain needing cutting out & therapy to erase all traces.

You no trade chancer, please do back under which ever stone you are renovating and hopefully die :evil: CO poisonning or electrocution - either will do.
Joe90 you really are an annoying little ****. I have tried to be civil and engage you in a lite hearted banter, but you are really like skin cancer - a little itch to begin with, ending up in a raging pain needing cutting out & therapy to erase all traces.

You no trade chancer, please do back under which ever stone you are renovating and hopefully die :evil: CO poisonning or electrocution - either will do.

And, what was wrong with joe's last statement? Is he wrong?
Joe90 you really are an annoying little ****. I have tried to be civil and engage you in a lite hearted banter, but you are really like skin cancer - a little itch to begin with, ending up in a raging pain needing cutting out & therapy to erase all traces.

You no trade chancer, please do back under which ever stone you are renovating and hopefully die :evil: CO poisonning or electrocution - either will do.

And, what was wrong with joe's last statement? Is he wrong?

It was not his last coment, but the whole conversation DUHHH
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You can't run gas pipes joseph.............unless you don't intend to sell these properties you do up for a profit.

Actually you can , you can do all your own gas work.
When it comes to sell a landlords cert will suffice for the mortgage lenders.
The work was already done before you bought the property.
They will conform. I can run pipes and cables etc.
When you say 'conform', do you mean in a financial way, or conform in a way that they have to do it? Are they still willing to sign off a job of yours that they haven't been involved with?
You can't run gas pipes joseph.............unless you don't intend to sell these properties you do up for a profit.

Actually you can , you can do all your own gas work.
When it comes to sell a landlords cert will suffice for the mortgage lenders.
The work was already done before you bought the property.Simples.

Meaning you can't...legally. simpleser
And that warrants your outburst?

No, being called a"plonka", saying my gas qualifications were bent (my electrics were - although I was an electricians apprentice eons ago) and saying he can mock our hard work gaining our trades, does.

Repeat NO TRADE T*SS*R. And more fool the idiots who sign off his work - if that actually happens.
Please show me a law that says you cannot?

Edit - In reply to Sooey.
They will conform. I can run pipes and cables etc.
When you say 'conform', do you mean in a financial way, or conform in a way that they have to do it? Are they still willing to sign off a job of yours that they haven't been involved with?

I run the pipes and cables. They choose to use them. They connect and test.
I run the pipes and cables. They choose to use them. They connect and test.

Guess that answers all the above then.
Plenty of Gas persons do it all the time.

What else are you going to justify ( For Beerman) your disgusting outburst with?
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