The Daily Mail

11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
Reading some of the points of view proposed in the Mail's early history i came across this gem...

Two days after forming the first Labour government Ramsay MacDonald received a note from General Borlass Childs of Special Branch that said "in accordance with custom" a copy was enclosed of his weekly report on revolutionary movements in Britain. MacDonald wrote back that the weekly report would be more useful if it also contained details of the "political activities... of the Fascist movement in this country". Childs wrote back that he had never thought it right to investigate movements which wished to achieve their aims peacefully. In reality, MI5 was already working very closely with the British Fascisti, that had been established in 1923. (201)

They've never really changed at all, have they?
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Shock horror newspaper knows how to sell papers and are still a leading seller present day whilst others have fallen by the wayside.

Shock! Horror!

Newspaper distorts story to bring down a government.
Still doing it to this day, it became almost comedy gold the lengths they went to to discredit Corbyn.
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Still doing it to this day, it became almost comedy gold the lengths they went to to discredit Corbyn.
Yes, indeed.
But taken with their stance on Fascism from the very beginning it paints their view in a very different light.

The Daily Mail spoke in glowing terms of Benito Mussolini throughout the 1920s and celebrated ten years of his dictatorship as "the greatest evolution of the last decade of world history... that regeneration of the national genius of Italy". (247) Lord Rothermere believed that "Fascism, in Italy as elsewhere, was portrayed as the bastion of hope against the Bolshevik menace." (248)

Lord Rothermere wrote that Lenin, the leader of the Russian Revolution was a criminal who "took hold of a backward country and smashed it to pieces" whereas he argued that Mussolini's Fascists were "manifestly inspired by more exalted motives... This young, vigorous, ardent Italian did more than save Italy. In my judgment he saved the entire Western world." (249)

Later he commented on his campaign in favour of fascism: "I am proud of the fact that The Daily Mail was the first newspaper in England, and the first in the world outside Italy, to give the public a right estimate of the soundness and durability of his work. In articles published at various times I have expressed my own profound admiration for what Mussolini had accomplished... There can be no doubt as to the verdict of future generations on his achievement. He is the greatest figure of our age. Mussolini will probably dominate the history of the twentieth century as Napoleon dominated that of the early nineteenth." (250)

Notwithstanding their flagrant disregard for any kind of balanced reporting during the Bre*it years i have to wonder who's side are they really on?
The idiot Corbyn was and still is quite capable of discrediting himself.
Still doing it to this day, it became almost comedy gold the lengths they went to to discredit Corbyn.
Didn't they accuse his party of being anti-semitic...

During this period Hitler increased his anger towards the Jews and urged them to leave Germany. One of the major reasons why so many refused was that they were unable to take their money with them. Hitler arranged for 52,000 to emigrate to Palestine. To encourage them to go the German government allowed "Jews who left for Palestine to transfer a significant portion of their assets there... while those who left for other countries had to leave much of what they owned behind". Richard Evans has argued: "The reasons for the Nazis' favoured treatment of emigrants to Palestine were complex. On the one hand, they regarded the Zionist movement as a significant part of the world Jewish conspiracy they had dedicated their lives to destroying. On the other, helping Jewish emigration to Palestine might mitigate international criticism of anti-semitic measures at home." (287)

I think Ken Livingstone had his membership revoked and was sacked from his job for saying something about that.
Yes, indeed.
But taken with their stance on Fascism from the very beginning it paints their view in a very different light.

The Daily Mail spoke in glowing terms of Benito Mussolini throughout the 1920s and celebrated ten years of his dictatorship as "the greatest evolution of the last decade of world history... that regeneration of the national genius of Italy". (247) Lord Rothermere believed that "Fascism, in Italy as elsewhere, was portrayed as the bastion of hope against the Bolshevik menace." (248)

Lord Rothermere wrote that Lenin, the leader of the

Notwithstanding their flagrant disregard for any kind of balanced reporting during the Bre*it years i have to wonder who's side are they really on?

The Sunday mail editor was right behind Mays capitulation deal
I thought you said they had a flagrant disregard for any kind of balanced reporting.
The point was the daily mail and Sunday mail reported differently.
There is nothing like quoting selected articles from a bygone age, out of context or as "evidence" of a specific narrow POV.

Have you got links to the articles exalting the merits of debtor's prisons, 9 year olds in the workhouses, the witch trials, pistols at dawn to settle differences?
There is nothing like quoting selected articles from a bygone age, out of context or as "evidence" of a specific narrow POV.

Have you got links to the articles exalting the merits of debtor's prisons, 9 year olds in the workhouses, the witch trials, pistols at dawn to settle differences?
These pieces are not out of context and highlight a prolonged perspective from a newspaper that persists in casting foreigners in a dim light - apart from Fascists, of course, who share their world view. I thought it was interesting to compare how the Mail operated from its inception to the way it promotes stories today.
You have the link...go find instances that show the Mail doing otherwise.
As Shirley Williams ounce remarked in a Labour Party conference speech

“ the fascism of the left “ ;)

Does anyone weally believe the Woopert Mwurdoch's wealth stems entirely from selling newspapers & tellyvideo time????
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