The death penalty.

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Ok, that's the Septics' long drawn-out process, though. What about Saudi, or Iraq, or China's versions?
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Furthermore, a lot money could remain in the pockets' of the American taxpayer.

Can you see that happening. :LOL:

Presently, the only ones benefiting from the death penalty are the lawyers. All this money and time spent in order to make lawyers rich.

Nothing new there then :LOL:

What price do you put on a childs life 10 years perhaps less

16 teenagers are the victims of violent crimes so far this year, What price do you put on their lives.

Hang the skumbags and to hell with the cost.

So as far as I can see, the "people" here who are in favour of the state killing people as a means of control all think this:

1) There is nothing morally wrong with killing people.

2) The killing of innocent people by this process is to be accepted.

Like I say - how can you possibly reason with "people" so bereft of any decency or morality?

You night as well have tried to reason with Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot...
Wrongful conviction is no excuse to oppose a measure which on balance could save more lives than would be lost through wrongful conviction.
You could not be more wrong. There is no "good outweighing the bad" equation here.

One, just one, innocent person deliberately killed by the state more than negates any other savings in lives, no matter how many.

One, just one, innocent person deliberately killed by the state removes any shred of moral authority that the state tries to assert and makes it no better than the criminals it is trying to control.

Can the airline companies guarantee that there will never be another plane crash, can the train companies guarantee that a train will never crash, if they can't give such a guarantee why aren't they prevented from operating . This is the point, the anti hanging only oppose it because it offends their sensibilities.
No - the point here is that you have just shown that your moral standards are so far adrift from anything decent that you cannot see the difference between people being killed by a system not designed to kill, and one which is only designed to kill.
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Perhaps most of the people on this thread are Muslims as I think their moral teachings through the guidance of the Koran allow them to accept capital punishment more easily.
An eye for an .........etc.

I wonder would bas walk into a Mosque and go up to the pulpit and start preaching to the gathered crowd about how wrong capital punishment is in the vitrolic manner in which he does on this forum ?.
I don't think so !.
Laid out flat again on a stretcher I think . ;)
You could not be more wrong. There is no "good outweighing the bad" equation here.

One, just one, innocent person deliberately killed by the state more than negates any other savings in lives, no matter how many.

One, just one, innocent person deliberately killed by the state removes any shred of moral authority that the state tries to assert and makes it no better than the criminals it is trying to control.
So, turn that on its head then: one, just one, entirely innocent person deliberately or otherwise killed by a criminal, because the state would not introduce the death penalty, just in case one person might (and an outside risk at that) be executed in error, is ok in your books, is it?
BAS: You've spent 13 pages or so hurling abuse at anyone in favour of capital punishment but haven't said a great deal about how you would deal with people such as terrorists/murderers/serial rapists etc etc.

Perhaps you could explain what you would do to keep society safe and preserve the human rights of these perpetrators.

Dont introduce the death penalty, just play Des 'O' Connor records at them very loudly!
I think bas is a "christian" ie not member of any recognised religion - just thinks he's close to christ and therfore never wrong. I would hang any "christian" who could not prove an affiliation to ANY recognised religion.

I've never met a "christian" who was not full of hate.
Hmmmnnnn, that's almost extreme as BAS's posts ... What is it with everyone at the moment :eek:
Sorry, I thought I was being quite reasonable. :eek:

Perhaps we've caught pmt from bas.
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