The Fuller Figure

AdamW said:
*whistles* erm... so, nice weather we're having, what?

:D :D

With regard to paedophilia, I read once that you should not condemn someone for the way they feel; I presume a paedophile cannot help being attracted to children but they must know how very wrong it would it would be if they ever act on their impulses.
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This also explains why you are far more likely to receive female attention when you are involved with someone than when you are single. If you are taken, you don't put on the image, you look like you couldn't care less because you really couldn't!

Don't think it has something to do with putting on 'the image'. Think it has more to do with biological responses: you've been able to take a 'mate' to keep the species going, so your genes must be good, so I want that too.
Another reading is that because you`re in a relationship you no longer offer a `threat`& therefore are o.k. to be with.
Moz said:
I must pull you up on that young man ...
The "BEENIE" was gorgeous last night she looked a million dollars after her recent kiddie, did you see/check out that fit pert ass , an I would of spent a full weekend down there ,worshiping a Sexy Goddess...OH YES

Sorry - Didn't explain myself properly. The Beenie was still gorgeous - It was the programme that was rubbish.....

On the subject of myself though, I'm 35, 5'10", don't eat much, drink about 5 pints a month and walk about 2 miles a day, so why have I gone up from 15 to 16 Stone in the last month. My 'big bones' seem to be getting bigger. Why ? Why ? Why ??
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premature male menopause?

premature mid-life crisis?

growing old un-gracefully?
securespark said:
premature mid-life crisis?

Maybe if I bought a motorbike and/or grew a ponytail and/or started wearing too tight jeans that would help ?
We have loads of magazines scattered around here to help patients pass the time while they wait for their daily dose of photons. They are mostly full of mindless pap (the magazines, not the patients) and have titles like Heat, Now and - wait for it - Celebrity Looks. No, I didn't make that last one up!

One of them caught my eye yesterday. In big letters, bigger in fact than the models' mammaries, it said "Curvy Girls Hit the Beaches". So there you have it. Fashion is so fickle.
I prefer the woman with a bit of meat on her ( I have to say that, the missus is watching me ;) )
Scoby_Beasley said:
I prefer the woman with a bit of meat on her ( I have to say that, the missus is watching me ;) )

Totally agree Scoby --wobbly bits and a nice big arse to slap around :LOL: ---who wants to get on a sack of bones ?? :(
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