The ignore button

Why are you posting to me then? All you have to do is to stop telling punters to ignore the manufacturers instructions and do it 'your way'. But why should they? You can't back it up. You have no technical knowledge. If you want a technical debate on the subject - fine. Off you go.
Joe-90 the font of all knowledge. Trouble is, he can only quote whats in old manuals. Sadly, doesn't know what they mean.
Knows more than the manufacturers, lol.
Either he can't read or doesn't understand.

Obviously quiet on the plastering front.

Well if you have the manuals in question - then post quoting them. (he won't). I am saying that the manufacturer is RIGHT not wrong. Do try and keep up.

As far as the plastering question goes, the poster contacted both Unibond and British Gypsum who both agreed with the information I provided.
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As far as the plastering question goes, the poster contacted both Unibond and British Gypsum who both agreed with the information I provided.
What Unibond said to the poster was that their product could be put onto bonding without issue. That wasn't the point and you know it. The question was whether you can tile onto bonding, British Gypsum do not recommend tiling onto bonding.
Look mate. Tile adhesive grips better than a skim coat. Common sense should tell you that in light of that fact you can tile onto bonding. British Gypsum told the poster to allow a layer of adhesive to dry on the bonding coat and then to tile over that. How many times have you removed tiles to find it takes the skim with it? That proves that there is little grip for the skim on the bonding. The only real reason to skim the wall is if it is a large area it easier to get a perfectly flat finish - but the poster in question is only talking about a patch, not an entire wall.
The Ignore button is a stroke of genius by Admin particularly in the General Discussion section.

In the DIY sections I simply opt to read posts from members on my ignore lists.

It recognises that there are site members who post useful DIY advice but either have such extreme views on issues in the General Discussion section that many don't want to read them or they post in such an aggressive way that many interesting threads get locked as a result ... The Ignore button fits the bill ;)

If everyone opts to ignore the same minority of posters who continuously trash threads with either their extreme points of view or non-inclusive posting style, then they will soon realise that they are posting to themselves and maybe start to engage more with other people.

It simply provides a technological way of doing what many of us are already doing ... Ignoring annoying individuals.

Can only be a good thing IMO.

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I can't agree more meggawatt.

I guess someone that holds a slightly different view to meggawatt is an online vandal.

That's why we only have one political party, all drive the same type of car, only date redheads, drink tea but not coffee, watch Eastenders but not Corro.......
The one thing to remember about the Ignore button guys is ... Run with it and don't be tempted to view posts from anyone on your ignore list.

You then get total freedom from moronic posts.

Thanks Admin

What would be interesting is if admin arranged it so that we could visit a page where we could see the top 50 list of ignored posters. That way, new members would have a better idea of who's advice was generally seen to be not worth reading.
Just added Joe-90 to my list of one.
I didn't even know there was an "ignore" button. Is it a recent addition?
There are a couple of people I'd like to use it for but then I'd be depriving myself of the opportunity to marvel at their stupidity.
I generally only Ignore people on this forum not the main DIY advice forums.

It does make for a much calmer experience :LOL:
It would be good to be able to change the message that appears when someone posts that's in your ignore list. For example "you are currently ignoring this person due to the nonsense they post". Or "more b*llsh*t being ignored".
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