The latest 'propaganda message'...

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The worst side affect reported so far was “like a bad hangover” apparently.
Or Sunday as I call it.
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First of all try it on all the anti vaxxers..Strap them down and inject it niccccce and slow with a git big needle..Punishment for walking around being a maskless divvy.
There is a vast difference between an anti vaxer, and someone who is not willing to trust having something injected into them which has not been fully tested, less than a year is hardly a thorough test. I've had vaccinations, my kids had them, nothing against ones that go through the usual several years at least of testing, not one that was trying its hardest to be first past the post. As for maskless divvy's, it's up to them, I personally wear one where it's mandated.
There is a vast difference between an anti vaxer, and someone who is not willing to trust having something injected into them which has not been fully tested, less than a year is hardly a thorough test. I've had vaccinations, my kids had them, nothing against ones that go through the usual several years at least of testing, not one that was trying its hardest to be first past the post. As for maskless divvy's, it's up to them, I personally wear one where it's mandated.
Sounds anti vax to me..Not willing to take the risk but not adverse to reaping the benefits of the community immunity.
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I'm not against vaccinations per se, (though I do disagree with the MMR. I think they should be 3 separate ones with a short amount of time between). Bit like the old BCG injection we all got at school. Get one in the wrist and then depending on how your body reacted you got or didn't get a booster or something in the upper arm.
The human body is a very complicated thing. People from the same family can react differently to the same things other members of the family are not affected by. We have a young student in college who has a reaction to milk, (didn't have it as a child but now in late teens has developed it), but no-one else in her family has any allergies. She is next to youngest of 4 children so they are now waiting to see if the youngest eventually develops anything as she gets older.
Even though I am classed as highly vulnerable I'm prepared to take my chances of not catching it by sanitising and spacing and my wife respects my decision.
but not adverse to reaping the benefits of the community immunity.
So I'm reaping the benefits.

You are not..unless you are immune to Covid.Are you Immune?
But wait, now I'm not reaping the benefits.
As for my immunity, no idea, never came across or heard of anyone who's had it, so don't know if I have caught "it" or not.
There is a vast difference between an anti vaxer, and someone who is not willing to trust having something injected into them which has not been fully tested, less than a year is hardly a thorough test. I've had vaccinations, my kids had them, nothing against ones that go through the usual several years at least of testing, not one that was trying its hardest to be first past the post. As for maskless divvy's, it's up to them, I personally wear one where it's mandated. do not want the vaccine but will be more than happy to take up an ICU bed if you end up with Covid? do not want the vaccine but will be more than happy to take up an ICU bed if you end up with Covid?
I don't think everyone who has had convid has ended up in ICU. Say you go for your vaccine, army person looks nervous, so you ask "is it safe?" Army person says "We will see in a year or two", will you hot foot it out of there ( assuming you're not constrained)?
I don't think everyone who has had convid has ended up in ICU. Say you go for your vaccine, army person looks nervous, so you ask "is it safe?" Army person says "We will see in a year or two", will you hot foot it out of there ?
Yes or no will do.
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