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You are wrong, as usual

professor Neil Ferguson - the academic whose work led to Britain's lockdown - says the lockdown likely saved almost half a million lives in the UK alone.

All good saying that type of thing but it's impossible to prove him wrong isn't it? Bit like saying I didn't go out yesterday therefore I saved myself from being run over
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Was not thinking of myself,but then you know that!.Also,when you make a statement,lose the question mark,or are you making a statement that you are not quite sure about?

It was a question but you were simply trying to sway things again because people are disagreeing with you and you don't like it because you are of course never wrong especially when people are making more sense than you

Fyi when using an exclamation mark it is very bad grammar to use a full stop after it (and not leave a space) so before you poorly attempt to attack people on their English make sure on that very same post your English is perfect.

Epic fail
It was a question but you were simply trying to sway things again because people are disagreeing with you and you don't like it because you are of course never wrong especially when people are making more sense than you

Fyi when using an exclamation mark it is very bad grammar to use a full stop after it (and not leave a space) so before you poorly attempt to attack people on their English make sure on that very same post your English is perfect.

Epic fail
!......The clue is the full stop underneath the exclamation mark..Dopy.
It was a question but you were simply trying to sway things again because people are disagreeing with you and you don't like it because you are of course never wrong especially when people are making more sense than you

Fyi when using an exclamation mark it is very bad grammar to use a full stop after it (and not leave a space) so before you poorly attempt to attack people on their English make sure on that very same post your English is perfect.

Epic fail
Ending a sentence with a single full stop indicates that the sentence is a complete thought with a definite end. Ending with an ellipsis (the technical name of the ‘three full stops’) means that the thought does not END, but that the reader is supposed to understand that it is the reader’s responsibility to consider how the thought of the sentence continues or is related to the reader’s opinion.Well beyond you though 666.EPIC INDEED."Must try harder,boy"as your English teacher used to tell you no doubt.
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You are wrong, as usual

professor Neil Ferguson - the academic whose work led to Britain's lockdown - says the lockdown likely saved almost half a million lives in the UK alone.

Lock downs don't work boyo....

You trashed the economy for no real good reason.
And cost to the economy is not worth the lives saved.

I'll be extremely amused if you loons call for a lock down next time seasonal flu hits us.
All good saying that type of thing but it's impossible to prove him wrong isn't it? Bit like saying I didn't go out yesterday therefore I saved myself from being run over
It's very hard, you could compare places like Sweeden where they didn't have a lockdown and who have one of the worst death rates in the world. But there's enough complications to make it impossible to prove one way or the other. Most scientists think they do help though.
All good saying that type of thing but it's impossible to prove him wrong isn't it? Bit like saying I didn't go out yesterday therefore I saved myself from being run over
The bulk of scientists, mathematical modellers, virologists are agree social distancing is necessary to lower the R rate.

I'll go with the majority of experts, thanks -you can keep searching for a view to satisfy your bias.
Lock downs don't work boyo....
You could help yourself by reading the article.........which says that the methodology of that study was flawed.

'A large number of possible predictors are put into a model with only 50 observations, and then the resulting formulae are over-interpreted.'

You trashed the economy for no real good reason
see above

I'll be extremely amused if you loons call for a lock down next time seasonal flu hits us
I am sorry you don't have the capacity to understand how covid is different to flu.

When you are told to dig a hole, does somebody have to tell you when to stop :ROFLMAO:

You could help yourself by reading the article.........which says that the methodology of that study was flawed.

'A large number of possible predictors are put into a model with only 50 observations, and then the resulting formulae are over-interpreted.'

see above

I am sorry you don't have the capacity to understand how covid is different to flu.

When you are told to dig a hole, does somebody have to tell you when to stop :ROFLMAO:

Fat bar stewards and the coffin dodgers were gonna die anyway.
Lock down or no lock down.
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