This newcastle

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I missed all that, why did she. Which thread did she throw a wobbly in.
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Or who said what to her first.
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I also realise now that Blightymam has resigned, (mid-August, I would guess, after being embarrassed by Hawkeye's courgettes :whistle: ) as I suspect you would have been well aware of when you made your comment. Your repeated false accusation came about 24th August, shortly after Blightymam had resigned. :rolleyes: I am pretty sure she would have said her farewells to her closest friends.

According to Wannabe, she's resigned. I'd given up on the thread, and was on holiday when he says she resigned, so it came as a surprise to me.
Well having checked to send her a PM, she's not on the system any longer.
How does he know if she didn't say anything?

I can't imagine she only told him.
From my own experience.
When you resign, you have a couple of days to think about it, then if you do not reconsider, your profile is erased and your username appears black.
When I was looking back at when I explained that I had been NotSoSure, but resigned, to reappear as WannabeDIY, I noticed her username had turned black. So that was the assumption I arrived at.
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