This would win my vote

Thanks for listing a number of items that existed under english law anyway.
Since you are making that claim, could you point out...

What articles of 'english law' are they written in, and under what constitution are those rights protected?
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Yet again it appears the A*rS*e can't back up the cr*p that it emits...
Still no reply A*rS*e?

Your silence says it all... :LOL:
Effin ell ellal, you are a tad obsessed with me.

I'm flattered.

Sorry to break your heart, but I do not sit here with baited breath, just waiting for you next post.

I'm sorry ellal, sit down please, I have something to tell you.

I didn't spot your posts, please, please don't cry.


Now to answer, no I will not spend my time educating you, I will simply pick the first two on the list

The Human Rights Act 1998, which came into force in 2000, means that the right to life contained in Article 2 of the ECHR is also part of UK law.

In order to uphold the right to life signatories to the ECHR must ensure that the laws of their country uphold this right. The UK satisfies this requirement because both murder and manslaughter are criminal offences.

In basic terms, the HR act means laws of signatories counties must meet it's requirements.

You may have spotted murder didn't become illegal in 1998.

Another quote

es. The use of torture has been contrary to common law for several centuries, and the UK was well ahead of many other European jurisdictions in abolishing its use. Although the common law prohibited torture, however, the Privy Council continued to issue torture warrants until Felton's case in 1628 and it was not until the Long Parliament in 1640 that the practice was formally abolished. In Scotland, torture was prohibited by section 5 Treason Act 1708.

Tell me ellal, was the HRA act signed in 1640?

I could go on, but please, you have listed a whole load of stuff that has been protected under English law, most of it for centuries.

So yea ellal, thanks for listing a number of items that existed under english law anyway.
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Is that the best you can come up with?

A quick look at wiki that comes back with meaningless quotes?

We have no written constitution, and we have no human rights enshrined in english law...

Your b*llocks about 'murder' etc is irrelevant...

You've been found out as well you know 'soft in the head', and your childish comments just lead to further derision being sent your way...

Best you go back to your domain in order to hear the 'clippity clop' sounds over your bridge...
Ok ellal, I'm talking ******.

Murder, torture etc where perfectly legal before the HRA act in 1998.

I'm sure everyone here agrees with you, I shall walk away in defeat.

Torture was illegal in the UK even in 1971 when it was practised in N.Ireland:

Can't speak of other issues though. I dare say there are aspects of HRA that are new to the UK.

Stop talking **** wobs, ellal says these things were not covered by law before the HRA, there fore murder, torture and theft were legal.
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