This you don't see nowadays

porn was a soggy mag hidden at the top of the local playing field, not a word you typed into the internet !!!!
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police helmets with a shiney bit on top.

joe90 cartoon/supermarionation repeats

Laurel and Hardy

Harold Lloyd

Charlie Chaplin

Captain Pugwash

Alastair and Crystaltips

Wahtever happened to, Silvikrin ("Moonlight becomes you, it goes with your h"
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Gibbs S R Toothpaste.


Opel mints.
Bus conductors, with the ticket machine that involved rotating a handle for the slip of printed paper to be issued from.

[one of the regular ones that used to work on the buses when I was a lad had afro-style curly hair which was completely flattened on the top due to his modus operandi of wedging his head against the bus ceiling so that he could operate his ticket machine]
Aztec bars.
coconut revels
kids with playing cards in there bike spokes
off licenses selling wine /sherry into bottles brought by custoner
fish /chips in newspapers
Kids with home made bow and arrows/crossbows. Playing knifey
Homemade boogies (go karts).
Bikes made up from about half a dozen different ones
motorbikes and side cars with the whole family on them
Hitchhikers on motorways or main roads.

'Running In' notices in the back windows of cars.

Telephone (GPO) workers brewing up on a gas ring in back of truck.

Peaceful Sundays, with all shops closed and nothing much happening.

And, yes, I had a 250 'wetdream'. My first proper bike, and after the carp I had be riding around on before, it was luxury. Leccie start. :cool:
Someone pulling a wheelie on a super dream .....Hang on dont think that ever happened :LOL:
porn was a soggy mag hidden at the top of the local playing field, not a word you typed into the internet !!!!
You don't see many pubic hairs in modern pornography. They're all shaved off for some unbeknown reason
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