Another driving moan thread ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I genuinely wonder if the common denominator is me (as in I'm wrong and those I moan about are in the right) but tbh I can't see it that way.

Driving home tonight, approached lights that were red, car already sitting there. So I pull up behind it. In my rear view I see a car approaching at quite a speed. I'll be honest, this already sets off my 'is this going to be a t0sser?' warning system. So, there we are, 3 cars sitting at the lights. Lights change to green, off we go.

It's a 30 limit road built up both sides, car in front was prob doing 35ish, me doing similar. I'm sitting a bit back off their tail as I don't like to tailgate. Not ridiculously far back, but a little. The car behind me settles on my tail, maybe 6-8 feet. He then starts doing that thing where they pull out a little, then back in. Normally folk would do this when it's a road with overtaking opportunities. This wasn't that type of road. Single lane, lots of islands, junctions etc.

He did this for a fair distance. I just thought 'even if I wanted to speed up mate, do you not see the car 20 feet in front of me?'

Car in front turns into a junction just as the road opens up to 2 lanes (approaching roundabout.) Normally on this road, this is where impatient drivers would pull out and pass. Not him. He elects to sit behind me. I go round the roundabout and start on a brief section of dual carriageway. Again (I've done it myself) this is another opportunity for impatient drivers to pull out and pass. Not him, sits on my tail.

I elect to slowly come off the gas. He eventually pulls out and, when passing me, slows to give me a dirty look. Momentarily we're doing the same speed, then he puts the foot down and off he goes.

My point is this. When I was driving on the single carriage road, he was evidently impatient, hence the tailgating and weaving. Although I still wouldn't have agreed with his actions (I was doing 35ish in a 30) I could understand them a bit more had the road ahead been clear. But it wasn't, I had a car in front of me.


Why can folk not just back off a little?
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I reckon a fair proportion of poss younger drivers are driving around with weed or crack, whatever in their systems. It's the only explaination for some of the stuff I see going on. Tailgaters get the opposite result from what they're hoping for - I slow down.

And while we're having a moan - since when did it become optional for cars to stop for pedestrians on zebra crossings? I've hoofed at least two of them in recent months as they actually drove in front of me as I'm crossing. I never quickly dart onto the crossing, I always make my intentions obvious and give drivers time to react. But it's still not enough for an increasing number of imbiciles.
I always make my intentions obvious and give drivers time to react. But it's still not enough for an increasing number of imbiciles.
Yeah I sometimes wonder if I'm simply becoming a boring old fart but then I think no, cause much of the stuff I see folk doing I'd never have done.

The other one that bugs me is folk going (way) too fast in supermarket car parks when there are lots of folk and other cars around. I just can't get my head around it. Saw an old woman taking trolley to trolley station the other week. Car approaching quickly, saw her, made no attempt to slow down so the old woman had to try her best to walk faster. She was evidently a bit infirm.

As the car passed, I could see the 3 occupants killing themselves laughing. Ok they could have been laughing at anything, however I suspect they were laughing at making the old woman have to walk faster.

It's defo a good job I'm not 6'5" and well built cause I reckon I'd be in the jail by now ...
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I elect to slowly come off the gas. He eventually pulls out and, when passing me, slows to give me a dirty look. Momentarily we're doing the same speed, then he puts the foot down and off he goes.
At this point I keep my head and eyes straight ahead avoiding any eye contact at all as sometimes it can kick off just by a look.
Forward and rear facing camera, then post the video on Youtube. They will not like it, but nowt much they can do about it.

I saw a daft one today, waiting for a bus outside the church. Two cars waiting to come out of the single lane church car park entrance and turn to their right, along comes a BMW estate, wanting to turn to her right, into the church. Anyone with any sense would hold back and give way to the two trying to get out - Nah, in she tries to go, but not far enough to get off the main road, whilst at the same time blocking the two trying to get out.
It s
I genuinely wonder if the common denominator is me (as in I'm wrong and those I moan about are in the right) but tbh I can't see it that way.

Driving home tonight, approached lights that were red, car already sitting there. So I pull up behind it. In my rear view I see a car approaching at quite a speed. I'll be honest, this already sets off my 'is this going to be a t0sser?' warning system. So, there we are, 3 cars sitting at the lights. Lights change to green, off we go.

It's a 30 limit road built up both sides, car in front was prob doing 35ish, me doing similar. I'm sitting a bit back off their tail as I don't like to tailgate. Not ridiculously far back, but a little. The car behind me settles on my tail, maybe 6-8 feet. He then starts doing that thing where they pull out a little, then back in. Normally folk would do this when it's a road with overtaking opportunities. This wasn't that type of road. Single lane, lots of islands, junctions etc.

He did this for a fair distance. I just thought 'even if I wanted to speed up mate, do you not see the car 20 feet in front of me?'

Car in front turns into a junction just as the road opens up to 2 lanes (approaching roundabout.) Normally on this road, this is where impatient drivers would pull out and pass. Not him. He elects to sit behind me. I go round the roundabout and start on a brief section of dual carriageway. Again (I've done it myself) this is another opportunity for impatient drivers to pull out and pass. Not him, sits on my tail.

I elect to slowly come off the gas. He eventually pulls out and, when passing me, slows to give me a dirty look. Momentarily we're doing the same speed, then he puts the foot down and off he goes.

My point is this. When I was driving on the single carriage road, he was evidently impatient, hence the tailgating and weaving. Although I still wouldn't have agreed with his actions (I was doing 35ish in a 30) I could understand them a bit more had the road ahead been clear. But it wasn't, I had a car in front of me.


Why can folk not just back off a little?
sounds to me like the other driver was unable to drive properly maybe from lack of experience or maybe intoxicated.
As an experienced driver the law would expect you to make allowances for these scenarios
It is when I am on my e-bike and only doing 16 MPH as that is the limit of assistance, so cars over take, then down hill section so now I can exceed 16 MPH but no idea what speed as soon as the motor cuts out so does the speedo so no idea what speed, but the cars which over took me are now going super slow, do I over take them? This is in Wales where they are trying out 20 MPH speed limits, so may be they are only doing 20? But I am unlikely to exceed 24 MPH, so if they over took me to do an extra 4 MPH then should I over take them?
It is when I am on my e-bike and only doing 16 MPH as that is the limit of assistance, so cars over take, then down hill section so now I can exceed 16 MPH but no idea what speed as soon as the motor cuts out so does the speedo so no idea what speed, but the cars which over took me are now going super slow, do I over take them? This is in Wales where they are trying out 20 MPH speed limits, so may be they are only doing 20? But I am unlikely to exceed 24 MPH, so if they over took me to do an extra 4 MPH then should I over take them?
Do you want a speeding ticket and the fine?
I watch quite a lot of UK bad driving dashcam footage on YouTube, one of my, weaknesses when I'm at a loose end, it seems to me that a good majority of the poor driving experiences shown are the result of two poor drivers, often the one filming appears to think they're entirely innocent.
Tailgating and worse is standard driving practice in vibrant, multicultural areas. I slow down if it happens to me, in order to slow the idiot down; in bad cases putting my hazard lights on - the tailgater is creating a hazard after all. If he is trying to overtake and there isn't room, or if there are pedestrians around I will move to the right to actively prevent him from passing.
A flash of the rear fog lights make them back up.
When the idiots finally grow some balls and overtake, right foot down and leave them there.
Of course, depending on your car and driving skills.
It is when I am on my e-bike and only doing 16 MPH as that is the limit of assistance, so cars over take, then down hill section so now I can exceed 16 MPH but no idea what speed as soon as the motor cuts out so does the speedo so no idea what speed, but the cars which over took me are now going super slow, do I over take them? This is in Wales where they are trying out 20 MPH speed limits, so may be they are only doing 20? But I am unlikely to exceed 24 MPH, so if they over took me to do an extra 4 MPH then should I over take them?
I think the 20 mph limit is to keep people safe and reduce any injuries if there is a collision.
If you think it's OK to go faster than 20 mph you must be stupid or just arrogant
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