This you don't see nowadays

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Days gone by, when people actually spoke to each other instead of texting and communicating on forums :(
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Saw Steptoe and Son last week - great comedy timing.
Standing on Terraces


Proper tv such as Auf Wiedersehn Pet, Minder, The Proffessionals and some mad bird painting. I think she was called Nancy :eek:

Found the mad old girl
porn was a soggy mag hidden at the top of the local playing field, not a word you typed into the internet !!!!
You don't see many pubic hairs in modern pornography. They're all shaved off for some unbeknown reason

Some emininent psychologists (or was it hairy dykes, can't remember) insist it is because most men have paedophilic tendencies.
I'd agree with that. It's also why men like 'leggy' girls because at the onset of puberty girls have proportionally longer legs. Gimme a short hairy 30 year old any day. (No teeth even better).
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