Three Months!

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I have written a letter of complaint to HMRC because, having sent my returns in on time, I got fined for being late.

Part of the letter is complaining about their tactic of automatically fining everyone who files their returns close to the deadline - those who have no proof of postage have to pay up even though they do not deserve the fine.

Basically I want my money back.

So, one month on from sending the letter, I ring up to check on progress.

93 minutes later I speak with someone who says I should have a response by late December.

So by this time I am fuming and look up Ombudsman for HMRC.

Turns out the first port of call is to write a letter of complaint?????

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Different world isn't it?

As I have said before, you think of it as faceless bureaucracy but in fact it is PEOPLE who think up all this crap.

How do they get like that?
From what I've heard, I wouldn't even think about telephoning the Inland Revenue.
Writing a letter would undoubtedly be quicker, but it might be sensible to pay for proof of postage.

If they've 'fined' you, and it transpires that they had no right to do so, can you claim damages?

Silly question, I suppose.

I sometimes think that things are becoming so corrupt in this country that a general strike or even a riot would be the only thing to bring the mess to an end. It's well known that politicians won't listen to the ordinary person anyway.
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Would it not be easier to submit your returns online?
Sensible idea. Much quicker than filling in paper forms and the on-line system does a lot of the calculations as you enter the data. Does all the necessary checking as well. And you get that vital reference number as confirmation that it has been received by HMRC within a few minutes.
Two things in life you can't avoid - death and taxes.

You should have appointed an agent to do your submissions for you. If you have been in business for any amount of time then you will know it's hardly a best kept secret. My accountant does everything tax wise for me. Can't stand anything to do with HMRC. All correspondence goes straight to the accountant. I don't know why they even bother mailing it to me.
Not business... just personal

I'm retired!

(Before 50....(n))
There's lots of retired folk in Bramhall, but not many the young side of 50.

I rang HMRC today. Got a bill saying I owe tax and the clock is running... they are adding interest as we speak!

So to stop the clock I have to pay that tax bill, despite the fact that they already have £200 of mine.

They are swearing that the returns were late...but I have proof they were not. Lying s*ds.

Apparently, the tax returns were first demanded in January for filing no later than 15th April, but any tax due is payable on the 15th April. Even though that is when they received my returns....

You confused yet?
If you submit your own tax return (and calculations) online then it's due to reach HMRC before midnight on 31st January

If you submit a paper return then it's 31st October
It seems to me that if the tax office (and other government departments for that matter) were ever privatised, and thus forced to compete, we would find them far more customer-orientated. As things are, they are a law unto themselves.
JB: too true! I spoke to two people at HMRC yesterday. The first put the phone down on me because I had the temerity to complain about my situation, "It's ridiculous." No swearing, no raised voice. She was also the one who insisted their fines stood, as I had sent my returns in a day late. Even when she could see the proof of postage I had sent in that was scanned into their systems and on the screen in front of her.

Bad day?

NB: this wasn't sent out to me at the usual time.

I was sent them specially by HMRC. Apparently they can do this any time they like and if they send you a return, you are bound to return it within three months.
Perhaps it's time to get back to the Ombudsman. If you have proof that you sent in the information on time, surely you will have their support.
HMRC. An amalgamation of two separate departments, Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise. We all know Customs and Excise have been a law unto themselves since "the beginning of time", but the Inland Revenue, in my experience, were always fairly approachable and above board. Guess who it was who amalgamated them? Yes, Bliar and his mob. It is him, the thousands of public sector jobs he created for the illiterate and innumerate long-term unemployed (unemployables) that have left this country in the state it is! It is aerosols like that bloody woman who put the phone down on Securespark who need throwing back on the scrapheap where they belong! Don't forget, WE pay their wages.
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