Time For a New career

8 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Anyone fancy a nice easy job where you can earn up to £23 k per year plus fringe benefits and pick and choose when and where you work. THIS GUY has it made! :LOL:

I must admit that I am a bit of a mug and do give beggars the odd £1 here and there as I feel sorry for them.

Incidentally, does anyone know why they always have a dog in tow?
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Incidentally, does anyone know why they always have a dog in tow?

IMO there are three types of people when it comes to beggars... those that always give, those that never do, and then a third who usually don't give, but for a number of reasons... e.g are maybe scared, or feel sorry for them but don't want to make a contact with them, those that don't want to seem to accepting this guy's in trouble but only give a quid, it's easier not to etc...

Well having a dog solves nearly all of those issues... it's easier to feel sorry for the dog, talking about the dog avoids making a connection with the human being, giving 50p is fine as it's only a dog etc....

clever tactics.....

I never give just because of the likes of the scum in the article !
My local tramp shops in the Co-op, if he can afford to buy thier overpriced cr@p then he obviously doesnt need the donations.
We had one in Derby who was recently given an ASBO. Turns out he lived in a house and caught the bus into the city centre every day together with his "Props".
Round here, there are a few who have the ever present dog. Beats me why they usually park their ar**s outside cash machines. I mean if someone doesn't have any change on them, what on earth makes these beggars think they'll have some change after going to the hole in the wall?????????
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Begging is a "job" and everyone knows his job and how to do it well.

The reason they always have a dog is that the Police cannot arrest them unless they have a proper dog carrier van as they are not allowed to put the dog in a normal police car. :eek:
My local tramp shops in the Co-op, if he can afford to buy thier overpriced cr@p then he obviously doesnt need the donations.

Yes, in my part of Bristol, we have a Roma woman gipsy who stands outside the Co-op selling The Big Issue. In the evening, I have seen her being picked up in a 2 year old Mondeo around the corner.

She's only here because dopey, bleeding-heart, do-gooders have encouraged her. They're not starving, its part of a big industry with criminals running it.
It's not only done in the UK, it's a worldwide industry, the thing is they don't get the handouts like they do in the UK!
If it can be said that they are earning money, as their "job" is begging then why cant the tax man hit them like they do us ?
If he was begging, surely he was unavailable for work, he should have to pay back his benefits, fiddling bars***D
\we had a tramp living under a tree in the church graveyard opersite our house. He would occasionally knock on our door and ask if we could phone him a taxi into town..(he always paid for the taxi and would offer 50 p for the phone call)
Then in the evening we'd see another taxi dropping him bsck off.

He is ex SAS and would talk of some of his exploits. I would go back research and verify his 'version' and it always seem to stack up..(unless he spent all day in the library swatting up!)
Fred the wolverhampton ring road "tramp" lived for free on handouts by the various local do-gooders, even got a new tent every now and again.
He left a substantial amount of unclaimed benefits and pension for his next of kin ( whoever they are ) when he passed away..

he actually prefered to live like that, he didn't like houses...
Fred the wolverhampton ring road "tramp" lived for free on handouts by the various local do-gooders, even got a new tent every now and again.
He left a substantial amount of unclaimed benefits and pension for his next of kin ( whoever they are ) when he passed away..

he actually prefered to live like that, he didn't like houses...

Go to a festival/weekend car show, there are loads of free tents and ice boxes left, just asking to be taken FOC. You could open a shop, or free tents for Freds. I heard about Fred, he had a facebook page set up in his honour didn't he, when he was alive?
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