to the mods


6 Feb 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
1. How come my archive/list of previous posts wont leave page 1? When i click next post or post number 2 it reports an error. This has happened before.

2. When i sign in to expand a pic or diagram on a thread how come i then have to sign in a second time to write a reply to a thread? In other words, why do i have to sign in twice on one visit to DiyNot?
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Hi Ree,

Sorry to hear about your issues.

1. What error message is given? Is this the list of posts that you get to from your profile page?

2. Are you ticking the box to remember you? It should still keep you logged in while browsing even if you haven't but does it make a difference?

Do you have any sort of cookie cleaner / toolbar installed? It sounds like the cookies that are set to keep you logged in are not being stored by your browser.
I've just now been blocked while replying to a post by something called an "extension" and my text message to the OP was wiped out?

1. No, its from the search facility.

2. I never tick the box to remember me. It makes a difference in that i dont want to log in twice.

Yes, i dont allow cookies. I've assumed that all cookies were for advertising or tracking me.
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Not allowing cookies is where the problem lies. It is true that advertisers use cookies to track, but the use of cookies extends beyond that.

We use cookies to keep you logged in, if you enable cookies for the domain and at the bare minimum with the prefix 'xf_' then your logins should work. This should solve both your issues.