Trickle down Corruption? Hancock helped secure £180m PPE Deal

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Matt Hancock personally intervened to help a former Conservative minister secure a PPE deal worth £180 million, according to government emails.

The health secretary assisted Brooks Newmark, the former civil society minister who resigned after sending sexually explicit photographs of himself to an undercover journalist he thought was a female party activist.

Last May, Newmark, 63, teamed up with the owner of a dog food company who had set up a firm to broker PPE deals for international suppliers. His subsequent lobbying helped a Hong Kong business become the eighth-biggest recipient of PPE contracts during the pandemic, according to the National Audit Office.

Zoe Ley, the dog food entrepreneur, was reported by BBC Panorama to have personally earned up to £1 million. Newmark does not deny being paid for his lobbying. The former Braintree MP’s first email to Hancock came on May 27, almost two months after the peak of the first wave. In it Newmark disclosed that he had “chatted with your spad [special adviser] . . . He will be circulating this idea to you, Michael [Gove] and Liz [Truss].”

Newmark then attached a detailed proposal explaining that he had links to a “well connected and powerful” person in China but needed government help in accelerating deals.

Hancock, 42, wrote back within hours. According to emails disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act, he said: “Thanks. Definitely one for the PPE team who are firing on all cylinders now.”

In response Newmark said: “Can someone internally please lead the charge in trying to seriously explore this option. I have said all along I can help but I need yours and [Gove’s] support to help make this happen for the Govt.”

It was then that the aide forwarded the proposal to Lord Deighton, the government’s PPE tsar. On May 28 the aide wrote: “Please see below from former MP Brooks Newmark . . . an excellent PPE proposal that the health secretary and I would be very grateful if Lord Deighton could look into urgently.” Hancock was blind-copied into the email.

On June 1 the Department of Health directly awarded a £178 million contract for protective goggles to the firm, invoking emergency procurement rules to avoid a tender.

The company that delivered the PPE was Worldlink Resources, a Hong Kong-based conglomerate. There is no allegation of wrongdoing on its behalf or that the company did not follow all lawful procedures in obtaining the contract.

Jolyon Maugham, director of the Good Law Project, which is suing the government over its awarding of PPE contracts, said the “scandalous” contract revealed “VIP access to ministers”.

Last night Ley said she had only ever worked through formal channels.

Newmark declined to comment. Sources close to him said he merely helped “chivvy along” an existing process.

A government spokesman said its priority had “always been saving lives”. He said: “Decisions on whether to award contracts for PPE are taken by officials.”

I think I understand Tory supporters - its aspirational corruption. :p
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So what’s the F***** connection ? :confused:
You're obviously exploiting your protection from mods to continually post your racist comments.
My comments are being deleted left, right and centre.
Proof beyond doubt that this site is endemically racist. It protects you to post racist comments without disruption or opposition.
sounds like this PPE procurement is the caper to get into :idea:

if I recall the UK imported a load from China which was described as Christmas cracker quality

some doctor on the radio also said some of it was second hand

blood stains on it and the batch was incinerated at his hospital :?:

Does not appear to be a F***** connection :confused: ( yet)
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sounds like this PPE procurement is the caper to get into :idea:

if I recall the UK imported a load from China which was described as Christmas cracker quality

some doctor on the radio also said some of it was second hand

blood stains on it and the batch was incinerated at his hospital :?:

Does not appear to be a F***** connection :confused: ( yet)
I'm sure you'll invent one. You normally do.
Now you've managed to contain multiple racially motivated hateful comments in one post.
You're racism is becoming even more rampant.
Some one always makes money out of misery

the Huey helecoptor company were in finacial difficulties and than the

Vietnam war happened
The F***** arms company that made Exocet missiles

well there finances improved when
The Falklands kicked off
The F***** arms company that made Exocet missiles

well there finances improved when
The Falklands kicked off
Your continued trolling while claiming to be ignoring me proves that you're a blatant liar as well as a racist.
The F***** arms company that made Exocet missiles

well there finances improved when
The Falklands kicked off

they probably honed there targeting technology on my neighbours pigeons :idea: over Calais :idea:
they probably honed there targeting technology on my neighbours pigeons :idea: over Calais :idea:
Better than your idea of carpet bombing Iran or using nuclear weapons on a non-nuclear armed nation.
But then your ideas always are extremist.
Last edited:
Trickle down corruption! Are you referring to the millions Kill Gates has been giving away? But apparently you have to speculate to accumulate, The figure I heard was he had acquired another US$7b, millionaires have increased their wealth considerably.
But hey I'm a tin foil hatter according to some, I'll tell you what, I do not wear a nappy on my face which could cause lung disease
I'll tell you what, I do not wear a nappy on my face which could cause lung disease
Stopped wearing a face gag some time ago, but even then it was intermittent use...

Never been challenged anywhere for not doing so!
Stopped wearing a face gag some time ago, but even then it was intermittent use...

Never been challenged anywhere for not doing so!
No, if I were to be asked I would say due to a medical condition, if they query that it's none of their business, the only person who can inquire about your health is your doctor.

On a lighter note, I suffer from FCS, the middle word being common...
Stopped wearing a face gag some time ago, but even then it was intermittent use...

Never been challenged anywhere for not doing so!
luckily for you covid is much less of an issue now becuase we have vaccinated most of the population

but you arent man enough to admit you are wrong.
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