Ukraine counter offensive

I think most Russian soldiers would rather have had no tank! Which leads me to my question. Do the Russians have an equivalent of Javelin etc. which can knock out older NATO tanks?
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Yes, not the same as Javelin (which is rather clever as it attacks from above, so uses a lighter warhead) but they have man portable anti tank missiles capable of disabling or destroying even current generation tanks. It's what they were designed for after all.
I think this article sheds light on why Russian tanks got so badly mauled. Poor planning and lack of joined up operations with infantry etc.

“Russia's disastrous tactics have been a terrible advertisement for tanks,” tweeted Nicholas Drummond, an armor consultant. “But we should be careful to avoid drawing the wrong conclusions,” he added. “No artillery support. No infantry support. No air support. This is not how combined-arms tactics work in an era of multi-domain operations
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So says a WWII Nazi technique self professed expert in a war that just isn't like that one. Good job too.
This point has been made by most experts in the field, and is mostly common sense, the reason the allied forces lost so few men and equipment in Iraq was because of a combined forces approach, something the russians lack badly, in a conventional NATO v russia war they would be destoyed in weeks, the russian tactics in Ukraine belong in WW1.
This point has been made by most experts in the field, and is mostly common sense, the reason the allied forces lost so few men and equipment in Iraq was because of a combined forces approach, something the russians lack badly, in a conventional NATO v russia war they would be destoyed in weeks, the russian tactics in Ukraine belong in WW1.

Another article about Russia's tactics, making the same point but with more detail.
Reports suggest ? That Putin is going to order another mobilisation of up to half a million men ???
Reports suggest ? That Putin is going to order another mobilisation of up to half a million men ???

The US military intelligence has been pretty on point throughout the entire war, if they're stating there will be a mobilisation then there undoubtly will be.

The problem for Russia is that they couldn't train or equip even the first 300k mobiks and many of them have been sent, completely unprepared, into the meat grinder. A lot of these men came from rural outposts of Russia and ethnic minorities, if they draw a higher proportion from comfortable Muscovites then I'd imagine there will be a serious morale/public support penalty for this.

Either way, the mobilisation won't help them and most likely make the situation worse when family men, snatched from their everyday ordinary lives, start piling up in bodybags or left lying in a muddy field outside Bakhmut or some other pointless frontline town.
The US military intelligence has been pretty on point throughout the entire war,
Russian communications have been comprehensively penetrated.

The Ukrainians are told whatever US thinks they ought to know.
How do you know?
it'a been mentioned vaguely and sounded like it was put down to using mobile phones. Military radio gear is not easy to break into. Some hand held stuff is available commercially.

Ukraine was given a fair amount of Musk satellite gear. Probably used for their own comms to other countries and between each other, Soldiers in the field though - pass. I'd have my doubts.
Ukraine was aware that Russia was going to invade

Before the Russian army was.

Have you noticed how many Russian generals and other senior officers were killed?

As soon as they got within reach?
They were using unencrypted radios before they invaded and the local mobile phone network afterwards. In part because of a shortage of their encrypted radios.

Ukraine has access to a lot of top tier ELINT kit, or at least the output. Various NATO ELINT birds have been flying racetracks over the Black sea since late 2021. One of ours got buzzed by a Russian fighter a while back.
It’s been suggested ? That the UK may supply the Ukraine ( indirectly) with up to 300 challenger tanks

I hear they're quite good, provided they're facing the enemy when they break down.
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