Ukraine counter offensive

Russia’s military has conducted a “massive” retaliatory nuclear strike drill, hours after the upper house of parliament voted to revoke the country’s ratification of a global ban on nuclear testing.

Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the purpose of the drills was to practise “dealing a massive nuclear strike with strategic offensive forces in response to a nuclear strike by the enemy”.

In a statement, the Kremlin said a Yars intercontinental ballistic missile was fired from a test site at a target in Russia’s far east, a nuclear-powered submarine launched a ballistic missile from the Barents Sea, and Tu-95MS long-range bombers test-fired air-launched cruise missiles.

America is prepared@AlJazeera

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Russia’s military has conducted a “massive” retaliatory nuclear strike drill, hours after the upper house of parliament voted to revoke the country’s ratification of a global ban on nuclear testing.

Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the purpose of the drills was to practise “dealing a massive nuclear strike with strategic offensive forces in response to a nuclear strike by the enemy”.

In a statement, the Kremlin said a Yars intercontinental ballistic missile was fired from a test site at a target in Russia’s far east, a nuclear-powered submarine launched a ballistic missile from the Barents Sea, and Tu-95MS long-range bombers test-fired air-launched cruise missiles.

America is prepared@AlJazeera


Is this new than

Russia / poo tin has been sabre rattling about his nukes for years def since this Ukrainian caper started

Dare say the world will be in for another parade of his toys live on telly through Moscow

These fruit cake dictators like to show off there latest toys
Georgia-based anti-war organisation Idite Lesom, an idiom that literally means “go through the forest” in Russian, has been helping Russian soldiers desert, some finding their way to Armenia (which might not be the safest spot if Azerbaijan get stroppy).

The group has recently seen a noticeable increase in requests from those wanting to desert. It is an assessment backed up by data released by the Russian court system, where, according to a tally by the independent news outlet Mediazona, 2,076 criminal cases were opened in the first half of 2023 against soldiers accused of abandoning their units without official leave. This is twice the total for 2022 and three times higher than the prewar figure for 2021. The real numbers are likely to be greater given the Kremlin’s systematic attempts to hide information about the military.

"What's all this for?"@the Guardian

It's a drop in the ocean, compared to the number of troops holding the line. Ukraine's Defence Intelligence reveals the number (to be) over 420,000 troops in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, including Crimea.
Ukrainian forces have been widening their breach of Russian defensive lines near the village of Robotyne for several weeks and analysts say they may be preparing for a new push. Both sides are making moves as they seek to break the stalemate but a breakthrough still appears to be a long way off.
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Ukrainian women heroes will be winning every day on the internet from now on. I wonder when would ukraine's most precious lgbtqxx battalions be sent up?

Hopeless mob

Pretty much sums up the Russian military tbh

Logistics / planning are sh**e a sort of plan things on the hoof

Having to empty there prisons for canon fodder
But I suppose it Rids the country / system of scum bags

Cap in hand to one of the poorest nations on earth ?? The North Koreans

All due to a mis understanding over a pass through on there way to Poland :ROFLMAO:
Reports on the BBC ?? Suggest that the Russians are executing ? Killing there own retreating soldiers ?

No surprise really if correct poo tin probably studied uncle joes tactics

Under trained conscripts are being used in human wave assaults on Ukrainian positions

No surprise there either another tactic straight out of uncle joes hand book

Russian tactics treat the population of Russia like mushrooms and make sure there is plenty of cheap vodka to go around :ROFLMAO:
From our friends of friends with relatives in Russia, they think the Russians have secured some of their territory (Donbas etc) and are grinding the Ukes down. They've thoroughly absorbed the Putin line. A lot of the ballet and theatre freedom loving types have got out or shut up, now.
So no pressure at home to change anything.

Hand-wringing in the West.
Not convinced unless you show links. I suspect the west is busy doubling their money with weapons sales.

Don’t care if your convinced or not

Transam gives not a jot

I suspect the Russian public are not aware of what’s going on

Are the Russians doing what they did in Ahfgsnistan ?? Hiding the casualty numbers ?

Body bags turning up at some obscure eastern army base in secret ?

Parents of the deceased fobbed off when they enquire about there sons ?? Where abouts

Except all
Done on a bigger scale ??

You can lie to
The people some of the time but you cannot lie to all the people all the time ( poo tin)

A war fought with under trained under equipped conscripts ?? Supplied with plenty of booze

Supplied with first aid kits from the 60s ??
There are Mohican red Indian in philippines?

Yeah Daniel day Lewis knows one he knew two but one got bumped off so he only knows one now

You can get a link to it via the last of the mohicans

Randolph Scott (rip) also knew two as well but one of them got bumped off as well

What a coincidence

Afaik it all happened over a passing through mis understanding ??
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