Ukraine counter offensive


Worst birthday party ever.

They say he accidentally set off the grenade when his son began to turn the ring but i'd like to think he took it away from him in time to save his life.
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They say he accidentally set off the grenade when his son began to turn the ring but i'd like to think he took it away from him in time to save his life.
Neither. When the command sends you a grenade, a hand gun, or a knife you are expected to do the honourable. The investors have put in a lot of money. It is one way of placating their dissatisfaction. The accident story works for him and the command. His family will continue to receive his pension. The command gave him the option of going out with his family. But he made the better choice in a bad situation. I wonder if any nato commanders has his courage?
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The courage to take the coward's way out?
The courage to complete his mission. Before you call people names, can you do what they did? If you were in his place, I bet you would call the police and complain of an assassination attempt. In the end, the command would have executed you and put a story in the news saying that you were a traitor. Your family would then be living on the street.
very sad and not good for their PR.
It was tragic but i never ceases to amaze me how many accidents that happen with munitions. They've had plenty of accidents in training and even one eerily similar to a WWI sergeant who demonstrated how dangerous a percussion grenade is by rapping it on the edge of a table. Ka-Boom!! There endeth the lesson.
Quite why any one would give a live grenade as a birthday present is some what beyond me

Total fruit cake imo

Sort of thing poo tin would do ??

Although he would probably send a case of wine with a timer on the grenade ;)

Outnumbered and outgunned, one front-line soldier has given a sobering account of Ukraine's struggle to cling on to its foothold on the east bank of the vast Dnipro river.
Jimmy 'Vaccines are killing people and Putin is misunderstood' Dore.

Yeah, not watching that.
Figures suggest that the Russians have now over 300000 caulsulties


Poo tin is becoming very reliant on the mad mullers and Kim il wat sit for munitions ;)

Afaik two railway supply trains carrying munitions from Kim have had an accident
?? Some how exploded;)

Poo tin is looking to deflect attention from this caper by oromoting family values :ROFLMAO:

Banning organisations that don’t exist :ROFLMAO:
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