Ukraine counter offensive


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Saying a country is corrupt is meaningless

London is the money laundering capital of the world.

The British Brexit govt is extremely corrupt

Ukraine has suffered corruption because it was part of the corrupt Soviet Union.
You looking the other way regarding Serbia on their election last week.
They've been waiting since 2012 to join then all sudden Ukraines getting fast forwarded.

did the UK build some trains with out measuring the width ? Of the tunnels that the trains would have to go through ???
We did it plenty of times with platforms.

Fun fact, the army has a unit whose job is to make sure railway routes are suitable for transporting Tanks.
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Saying a country is corrupt is meaningless

London is the money laundering capital of the world.

The British Brexit govt is extremely corrupt

Ukraine has suffered corruption because it was part of the corrupt Soviet Union.
Keep paying your taxes Notch, there crooks in Ukraine depending on them.
When Pres. Zelensky kicked out a cadre of experienced generals for 'corruption' earlier this year i wonder if they'd become a target for Russian sneakery. The Germans did the same thing to Stalin in 1937; spreading disinformation to make him purge the General Staff.
Then there was operation paperclip after WW2 when the americans 'spared' all them german engineers, scientists, and technicians hmmm.
Then there was operation paperclip after WW2 when the americans 'spared' all them german engineers, scientists, and technicians hmmm.
The race with the Russians to locate those scientists was intense - guess who the Germans preferred to find them first?
Been watching re runs of the world at war series on the yesterday channel, you can understand Russians licking their wounds given how much power they once had.
Some members of the Dumas are on record stating the Russian army should be sent into Eastern Europe to reclaim what they once had and consider their territorial birthright - the spirit of their Mongol warriors burns deep within the Russian soul.

The war never ends - day 666

You looking the other way regarding Serbia on their election last week.
They've been waiting since 2012 to join then all sudden Ukraines getting fast forwarded.
Utter conspiracist nonsense.

Ukraine is not being fast forwarded

You come up with this rank garbage without any evidence.
Keep paying your taxes Notch, there crooks in Ukraine depending on them.
Poor Vinty hoovers up Russian propaganda like he can’t get enough of it.

no doubt you believe all that sh1t about Zelensky being a billionaire - you and Algas are easy targets for Russian propaganda

Says Vinty and minion Algas……..both people who support Putins Brexit

Brexit unleashed a huge wave of corruption opportunities.

Yes I support more money going to Ukraine, because otherwise Putin will take a large chunk of Ukraine and then start more aggression in the region….which would cost the West far more in the future.
Keep paying your taxes Notch, there crooks in Ukraine depending on them.
This is a perfect example of how tribalism means people like Vinty are happy to support brutal,dictators like Putin.

Vintys thought process: “Err well I hate EU, therefore I must support Russia“
Least you’re consistent in your efforts to be wrong on every topic.
Unintelligent ad hominem

poor Gant, he claims “Ukraine is being fast forwarded”, but doesn’t have a shred of evidence.
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