USA, Second Amendment

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I'm watching the current goings on in America with interest. Truly historic events and times. One thing however that makes me think 'you can't have it both ways' is the manner in which firearms are being discussed in (American) news coverage. For example I've seen reports from people who attended Capitol Hill last week, apparently peacefully, but carrying a firearm. One guy said he attended without any intent to cause harm, however he then had a battle on his hands with others in the crowd trying to grab his firearm from him, possibly with the intention to cause harm to the authorities.

Some of the news channels have also been reporting how the whole event could have been a lot worse given the amount of firearms the public had with them.

What does America think? Looking at the data, whilst there does appear to be a slow swing towards stricter gun control, the right to bear arms still seems pretty much embedded in their culture. Fine, it's their culture so I'm not commenting on that. What I am commenting on however, is what the heck do they think is going to happen in any social unrest scenarios? It's no exaggeration to say Capitol Hill had the potential to become a bloodbath.

I'm not sure if America will ever significantly clamp down on gun laws including the right to carry them in public, however until it does, they need to accept they can't have it both ways when it comes to things kicking off and the increased potential for multiple deaths.
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For example I've seen reports from people who attended Capitol Hill last week, apparently peacefully, but carrying a firearm.

It never could end in anything but tears, with the number of guns they seemed to be carrying and the type of guns. It was a surprise to me, that it ended with so few casualties - there could have been many more they way Trump riled them up and all that mindless chanting I heard.
Maybe Americans should consider that a 230 year old document might need updating from time to time.

They can (metaphorically) amend the constitution tomorrow. They would need a 2/3 majority in the senate. So they won't. They could have an advisory referendum, which they would win. But we know how divisive that can be. And the 'Nays', have assault weapons.

For a hilarious, but absolutely spot-on summation of the gun nut culture, search 'Jim Jeffries, gun control' on yootoob.
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Maybe Americans should consider that a 230 year old document might need updating from time to time.
They did, 4 years after it was published they amended it. Job done.

The US Constitution is a religious idol to the US. They're much happier creatively reinterpreting it to meet the current world order than they are correcting it to bring it up to date.

The most recent amendments (last century) have all been little tweaks with little room for fundamental objections. The last big change is probably accepting women could vote in 1920. Since then it's just fiddling.
People don't seem to realise that all of the amendments are just that - amendments; i.e. alterations to the original.
you need to start at the edges and gradually work towards the centre
at present they sell pink guns and families buy them for there 14 year old daughters who they train how to use them' most people in the world are horrified at adults randomly being allowed fairly automatic rights to heavy duty murder weapons with out glorifying to children the fun off firing a gun :eek::eek:
random link have the right to bear a Glock or an AR-15..

you need to start at the edges and gradually work towards the centre
at present they sell pink guns and families buy them for there 14 year old daughters who they train how to use them' most people in the world are horrified at adults randomly being allowed fairly automatic rights to heavy duty murder weapons with out glorifying to children the fun off firing a gun :eek::eek:
random link

Seeing Noseall's quote, set me to wondering if it was "just" guns that private individuals can legally own in 'Murca.

Apparently not; although expensive and impractical, private individuals can be licensed for, own, and discharge such items as rocket launchers :eek:

Imagine the scenes if some hick had been packing one of those, down Capitol Hill way last week :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Apparently not; although expensive and impractical, private individuals can be licensed for, own, and discharge such items as rocket launchers :eek:

Imagine the scenes if some hick had been packing one of those, down Capitol Hill way last week :ROFLMAO:

Rather explains why the Merrycan police shoot first and ask questions after :)
When the 2nd amendment was written the most common firearm was the single shot muzzle loader.
It would be very difficult to carry out a mass shooting with one of those.
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